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Things had become very awkward for the people in Astrid and Peter's life following their break-up

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Things had become very awkward for the people in Astrid and Peter's life following their break-up.

Happy and Lily never brought Peter up in front of her.

Tony was juggling the two, making sure never to make plans with them around the same time- or even the same day.

Ned made sure to only speak to Astrid when Peter wasn't looking.

Michelle normally wouldn't care but with the voice of her dead girlfriend in her head reminding her just how important Astrid was to them, she became Astrid's shoulder to cry on.

Harry had his fun celebrating the break-up, no longer needing to be the overprotective older brother but when he soon saw just how sad they both were, he wasn't sure of just how to act with either of them.

Astrid and Peter- they just consumed themselves in their work.

"Okay, so if I want to be valedictorian, I have to focus on school."

"Should be easy," Michelle shrugged, reading the latest book Astrid gave her while Astrid continued to pace.

"But it isn't. With trying to crack my dad's codes, working with Tony in the lab and cleaning out his office, I have no time."

"Imagine how busy you'll be when you own a whole company?" Michelle chuckled, eyes never leaving her book.

"Ugh, don't remind me. That's the whole reason I'm trying this valedictorian thing. The people at the company think I was handed over the position- I have to prove that that's not the case."

"Good thing you don't have to prove shit to anyone," Michelle scoffed, finally looked up from her book.


"No. You said it yourself. You're juggling so much crap right now and look at you- you're still standing. If those assholes at the company still don't think you're worthy enough- that's on them because they should know better than to question the Astrid Osborn."

Astrid couldn't fight the smile off her face as she fiddled with her hands, "I know you're not too fond of physical contact."

Michelle instantly stiffened up, "Then don't do anything to bother me."

"But I just- I love you so much and I want to show it-"

"Then books! Books is the way to- ugh. You're hugging me."

"I'm sorry. You can do something I hate after but I just love you so much, MJ."

"Yeah," she sighed, admitting defeat as she awkwardly wrapped her arms around her, "I love you too."

Peter walked out into the field while Ned talked his ear off about something he wasn't even really listening to.

Ned didn't even realize he wasn't listening as he continued his rant about his lack of luck in the love department.

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