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"You have to do it now

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"You have to do it now."


"No buts! We're in an entirely different planet. If we don't do it now-"


Astrid smiled proudly as Peter moved so he could be hanging from above, his mask coming off as Astrid grabbed a hold of his face and kissed him.

"Are they really your backup?" Dr. Strange asked, clearly unimpressed.

"Hey, when they're not acting like a couple who aren't actually a couple, they're pretty good at what they do."

"And that girl... she's really going to die huh?"

"Not if I have anything to do with it. After we defeat Thanos- my number one priority will be helping her."

"Yeah... if we all make it out of here alive."

"Well, you've made it clear you won't save me or the kid- but just in case she makes it... make sure she stays alive."

"How are you so sure I'll make it?"

"Something tells me as long as you have that stone on you, you'll stay alive."

"Here's to hoping."

Peter and Astrid remained oblivious to their conversation as they finally pulled away from the kiss.

"Yeah we should uh- we should do that again."

"Peter Parker? The one who I've been arguing with for months about doing this kiss wants to do it again?"

"Yeah, well, I didn't know it felt that ama-"

"Hey, what is it?" Astrid said worriedly when he stopped short, caressing his cheek in concern.

"Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something, and I eat one of you, I'm sorry."

"That is a weird and random comment," Astrid giggled when Peter got down from hanging.

"Yes, it is. And I swear- if I get one more pop culture reference from you-"

"I'm trying to say that something is coming!"

Quick to act on his reflexes, Peter grabbed a hold of Astrid and made sure she was safe when a grenade went off between the four of them.

Astrid and Tony were quick to get their helmets back on and into fight mode.

"I won't let the aliens put eggs in you babe, don't worry."

"Really? That's your number one concern?"

"It's a very valid concern!"

Astrid rolled her eyes when three people came storming in, a fight immediately beginning between both teams.

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