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"No gracias mami!"

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"No gracias mami!"

Miles Morales was completely oblivious to the small group standing in his room, instead closing his bedroom door behind him and going straight to his desk.

"There's no way he's a better Spider-man than me. He doesn't even have the spider sense."

Miles yelped in surprise at the sudden voice, quickly turning to the source but backing up in defense.

"Don't you mean Peter tingle?"

"Peter tingle?" Gwen laughed, "oh my god. That's genius."

"Isn't it crazy how much you miss when you're dead for years?"

Gwen only frowned at Michelle when Miles cleared his throat.

"Um. What the hell?! Who are you all?!"

"Oh. We're-"

"Miles? Is everything okay, mi amor?"

"Yeah, mami! Just... thought I saw a spider."

"Bleh. Kill the thing. Or do you want me to get your dad to do it?"

"No! I'm good!"

"I wouldn't need May to kill a spider for me," Peter scoffed.

"Of course you wouldn't, honey," Astrid cooed, kissing his cheek.

"Um?! Hello?! Who the hell are you all?"

"Right. I'm Gwen Stacy. Fellow spider friend. This is Peter Parker-"

"The only Spider-man."

"Wait. You're Spider-man?"

"Yeah... why'd you say it like that?"

"I- no reason! Just... I expected you to be a lot... bigger? Older? I don't know."

"I would've been older if Thanos didn't screw me over."

"That's rough. But hey, at least we're the same age. If I were into the whole spider thing, we could've fought crime together."

"I don't think so. I-"

"I'm Astrid. Thanks for asking. And this is Harry, Ned, Harley and Michelle."

"How did you all get up here?"

"Spider friends," Michelle pointed to Peter.

"And Iron friends," Harley quickly added, he and Astrid high fiving.

"See, honey? It isn't so bad sharing the mantle."


"Well, not to worry. I am not continuing this business. I was only doing anything cause you were gone but now that you're back, I'm done."

"Oh," Peter visibly relaxed, "Cool."

"You can't give up being Spider-man!"

"What? Gwen!"

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