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The whole day was a mess

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The whole day was a mess.

Astrid woke up the day of her first date with Theo with not only nothing to wear since most of her clothes had been taken to wash but with a new cracked phone.

She dropped her phone a handful of times, enough not to worry about getting a crack when she dropped it before getting in the shower.

So, she didn't check it right away but when she finally did pick it up, her entire screen had been scattered.

"Of course!" Astrid groaned, getting dressed in sweats and a tank top before leaving her house in a hurry.

It didn't take long for her to arrive at the Stacy household and for Mrs. Stacy to open the door with a smile, "Astrid. Que bueno verte de nuevo."

"Usted tambien," Astrid replied to her best knowledge, "Um... Gwen esta acqí?"

Gwen's mom made it a rule that Gwen and her friends only spoke to her in Spanish, in an attempt to get not only her daughter speaking more Spanish but her friends who she spent most of her time with to speak the language.

That's why Peter and Ned rarely found themselves visiting her and Astrid and Harry knew more Spanish than they originally did years ago.

"Stop torturing her, darling," Mr. Stacy suddenly said as he appeared beside his wife, "Gwen is upstairs in her room."

"Gracias!" Astrid said in a hurry before rushing upstairs.

She burst into Gwen's room where Gwen looked up from her book, a small smirk on her face since she heard her best friend just moments before, "You know, your Spanish is actually getting really better- for a non-latina at least."

Astrid said nothing but hold her phone out to show her the screen, immediately making Gwen go wide-eyed.

"Woah. Baby finally gave up huh?"

"Today of all days!" Astrid groaned, throwing herself on the bed in frustration.

"It's just a phone," Gwen tried to reassure her, "I'm sure my dad knows someone who could fix this for cheap."

"Someone who could fix it by tonight?"

"No, but... you don't really need your phone. You have Harry."

"It's not only my phone," Astrid sighed as she sat up, "I have absolutely nothing to wear."

Gwen gave her a look, "Your closet's bigger than my room. You can't say you have nothing to wear."

"The maids decided today of all days to do my laundry. She took everything but my sweats and sweatshirts and now I have nothing to wear!"

"Okay," Gwen said slowly as she stood up, "We can fix that. My dresses may be a little booby on you but, it'll work. Guys love boobs!"

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