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Harry was no help whatsoever

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Harry was no help whatsoever.

Although Astrid was grateful he tried at all- and Norman was especially grateful to see his son for what he thought was the last time, his health didn't change whatsoever.

Astrid was not giving up that easily though.

"You just have to walk me through what you first did when you came up with the damn poison."

"I already told Stark-"

"Well, now you have to tell me. And I want to know absolutely every single thing you did that day- down to the last detail."

Norman shook his head, leaning his head against the wall, feeling his eyes grow glossy.

"When you and Harry were first born, I was scared shitless."

Astrid couldn't help but roll her eyes, "Now is not the time for a trip down memory lane."

"Your mother had just given birth," Norman ignored her, "And they pulled me aside to cut the umbilical chords. Of course, I was scared I would hurt one of you so I was a bit hesitant."

"What do you mean? It's just one snip and that's it."

Chuckling a bit, Norman nodded, "Your mom basically said the same thing. She yelled at me while she was finishing up with the doctors. She said 'hurry the hell up Norman! I want to hold my babies! Stop being a wuss!' Everyone laughed after that."

Astrid smiled softly, "You uh... you never told me that story."

"I didn't like being reminded of her, sweetheart. It's too painful for me."

"Yeah, I get that. You loved her."

"It was more than that- she was the love of my life. God- it feels so weird actually talking about her... and in past tense."

"I know the feeling."

"I'm sorry," Norman sighed when he realized what she was talking about, "About Gwen."

"Yeah," Astrid scoffed, "Killing my best friend was a real fucked up move."

"Well... about that..."

He was cut off by the sound of her phone ringing, making her sigh as she stood up to go to the corner to answer Harry's call.


"Are you seriously still there?"

"I told you I'm not giving up."

"We went through every single option we could! Why do you care so much?!"

"Cause he's our dad!"

"Wait... you... you can't seriously say you've forgiven him."

"I... I didn't say that."

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