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Harry was gone- and without a trace

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Harry was gone- and without a trace.

It had been months since Harry first left, leaving his sister all alone to deal with the aftermath of their father finally being in prison.

With the threat of Astrid being thrown into foster care since there was no immediate family in her life, she was ready to accept defeat, especially after May's offer to adopt her.

As much as she loved May and her household, she did not want to become her boyfriend's step-cousin so she was ready to say goodbye to it all- New York, her friends, Peter.

But then the unexpected happened.

Happy Hogan decided to take the chance in attempting to go after the next stage in his life: fatherhood- or, step fatherhood.

After Tony and Pepper's blessing, and especially Astrid's, he got everything ready to not only move a teenager into his home but signed all the paperwork to become her new legal guardian.

"I don't know," Michelle teased as she sat in Astrid's new room, "Astrid Hogan. Has a nice ring to it."

"Ha Ha."

"Seriously though, would you change your last name to that now? Since... you know..."

Ned trailed off seeing the look Peter was giving him.

"Since my dad became a murderous psychopath who killed my best friend and terrorized the city for months? Trust me, I thought about it. But, he's not the only one who has that last name. Harry does, my mother did..."

"Wait, I thought you hated Harry?" Michelle asked, wanting to change the subject at least a little before Astrid grew sad.

"I never said that..."

"Well, I say screw him for abandoning us- especially when our sophomore year is coming up!" Ned now attempted to change the subject himself.

"It'll be like a fresh new start," Peter smiled softly, rubbing Astrid's hand comfortingly.

"Especially with this new look Astrid is going to be rocking- I still can't believe you gave away all your old stuff."

"I did it so I can have a proper fresh start- although, it shouldn't have counted since someone insisted Mr. Stark help money wise."

"Happy would've done it even if I didn't!" Peter protested.

"I thought the whole point of her new look was so that she could say her rich daddy didn't buy her all her stuff," Ned questioned.

"And technically he didn't!"

"Right," Michelle chuckled, "Her new rich uncle did instead."

"Man," Ned sighed happily, "I can't believe Tony Stark is your uncle now."

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