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The decathlon was here in no time

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The decathlon was here in no time.

When they were woken that morning, they all immediately regretted staying up so late but they knew they had to hide it if they didn't want a lecture from Mr. Harrington.

Astrid had her head leaned against Michelle's shoulder, eyes closed as they waited for everyone to get there so they could board the bus.

Michelle was more annoyed than tired, wanting to get the decathlon over with so they could return home with a trophy but some peers decided to take their time.

"Where the hell is Peter?!" she suddenly yelled when she noticed Ned coming to them by himself.

Astrid was startled, standing up straight, while Ned chuckled nervously, "Yeah... we should probably just get going. He'll uh- he'll meet us there."

"I have no problem with that," Flash mumbled, already boarding the bus and practically throwing himself on the seat once he was on.

"Why are you kids so tired?" Mr. Harrington asked, making everyone straightening up.

"I think the better question is, where is Peter Parker," someone countered in an attempt to take the attention off of them.

But Ned wasn't happy though, "No. That is not a good question."

That made Astrid suspicious enough to sit next to Ned on the bus, him growing nervous when he noticed her stares.


"Where is Peter, Ned?"

"That doesn't matter," Ned answered nervously, "What matters is he will be there so don't worry."

"Are you sure about that?" Astrid asked skeptically.

"I'm positive," Ned smiled.

He was wrong.

When Peter didn't show up at the venue moments before they were supposed to be on stage, everyone was pissed.

"What the hell Ned? You said he'd be here."

"He's still got time. Don't worry."

Astrid only rolled her eyes, already deciding to ignore Ned's lies.

"Where do you think he is?" Michelle asked Astrid who sighed.

"Who knows? There's always something with Peter."

"Yeah," Michelle slowly nodded, "I don't know how you like him so much."

"What?" Astrid asked wide-eyed as she now turned to her, "Wh-what are you talking about? I don't- I don't like Peter."

"Sure," Michelle scoffed, "And I don't like reading."

"Then why do you read so much?"

Michelle only gave her a look before getting up and leaving Astrid by herself.

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