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Astrid thought after Peter finally asked her to be his girlfriend they would be happier than ever and their relationship would only grow from there but she was completely wrong

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Astrid thought after Peter finally asked her to be his girlfriend they would be happier than ever and their relationship would only grow from there but she was completely wrong.

In fact, the only thing that had progressed in their relationship was when he introduced Astrid to Tony Stark.

She was so excited when he first told her they would be going to the Avengers compound where she knew Tony spent most of his time at.

"It looks so cool!" she gasped looking at the massive building.

"It's just a building babe," Peter chuckled, briefly checking his phone to see if he got any texts from Gwen or Ned.

"It's not just a building. I- Mr. Stark is really here, right?"

"Right. And he's really excited to meet you."

"What? He knows I exist?"

Peter only laughed when the driver stopped in front of the compound, the two walking out hand in hand towards Tony who stood proudly waiting for them.

"Mr. Parker. Nice to see you again."

"You too, Mr. Stark and uh- I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend, Astrid."

"It's such a pleasure to meet you Mr. Stark," Astrid smiled, holding her hand out.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Osborn. Should we all go inside and get to work?"

"Actually," Peter bit his lip, "I have to go."

"What?" Astrid frowned, "Pete, we were supposed to spend the day together."

"I know but- Ned called. The Green Goblin's back at it again. The city needs Spider-man."

Before Astrid could say anything, Peter kissed her cheek and said his goodbyes to Tony before running off.

Astrid sighed as she watched him go while Tony cleared his throat, "What in the hell is a Green Goblin?"

"Some new bad guy terrorizing the city. You've really unplugged since the whole blowout with the Cap, huh?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Hey, if it's any consolation, the Osborns are on your side."


"Duh," Astrid rolled her eyes playfully as they began to walk into the compound, "You're like the original New York hero- the one who was there when no one else was. I mean, sure Captain America couldn't exactly help being frozen and all but- with you always looking out for us, we really hit the jackpot."

"Well, that's really sweet kid. To know that someone appreciates me."

"Someone? Rest assured, Mr. Stark, I'm not the only one who feels that way. Besides, Peter idolizes the floor you walk on. Iron Man might be a lot of people's hero but Tony Stark is his."

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