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"I'm feeling my IQ lower just by being with them," Astrid mumbled as she continued to watch the two men attempt to take the webbing off of Mantis

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"I'm feeling my IQ lower just by being with them," Astrid mumbled as she continued to watch the two men attempt to take the webbing off of Mantis.

"Don't be so harsh on them," Peter chuckled, "They're pretty funny."

"No, I agree with her. They're pretty idiotic," Dr. Strange shook his head.

"I mean... you can't really expect much from someone who thinks Footloose is the greatest movie of all time."

"Did you two really fall asleep watching that movie or... do I not want to know?" Tony regretted his question the second he saw the smiles on their faces.

Astrid continued to eat her snack not saying a thing while a flustered Peter now attempted to find an escape.

"I'm gonna go... help them out."

"I don't get it, kid," Tony said the second Peter was out of earshot, "You act like a couple, you were a couple, why not actually make it official? And why am I encouraging this..."

Dr. Strange smirked as Astrid sighed.

"Because- if Peter and I get together, all I'll be doing is breaking his heart," she frowned, "When I die-"

"You know you technically haven't even been diagnosed yet," Tony argued.

"I'm talking about now- with Thanos. Since Stephen already said he wouldn't be saving you or Peter, which I totally get, I am not going to be as... lenient."

"If you think I'm going to let a teenage girl give up her life for me-"

"I'm sorry you think you have a choice. But matter of the fact is, I am going to save you two... no matter what... just make sure you pry the necklace with the cure off my dead body to save my brother, okay?"


"I'm going to go help Peter."

Peter had just managed to get his webs off of Mantis when Astrid came over.

"How's it going over here?"

"Peter 2.0 was just telling me how you're his girl."

"Calling him Peter 2.0 won't make you the number one Peter," Astrid rolled her eyes, "That being said- how does Quill sound?"

"Sounds... fine... even though I'm obviously older and wiser- has he led a group before? No."

"Some leader you are," Astrid chuckled as she looked at the others, "No offense you two but... my kid cousin is smarter than you both combined."

"No. You are," Mantis said sassily, earning a smirk from Drax as he nodded.

"O-Kay... Cmon, Pete."

Quill went to step forward but was stopped by Peter who grabbed a hold of Astrid's hand and went to join the others, making him huff.

"Unbelievable. First Thor now this- this child."

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