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When Astrid and Harry Osborn were children, their father thought it was best to put them into a public school- to listen to his wife's advice to not let the money get to their children's head

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When Astrid and Harry Osborn were children, their father thought it was best to put them into a public school- to listen to his wife's advice to not let the money get to their children's head.

In fact, that's where they first met the chipper Gwen Stacy who sported a headband and bangs back then and was the first to sweetly introduce herself to the twins following her mother's advice to make friends.

Everything was going great- until one of the little boys tried to make fun of the twins for not having a mother.

They may have just been five but a rage of anger flew over Harry as he pranced on the other young boy- kids surrounding them within seconds in fascination.

Both Astrid and Gwen tried to pull Harry off the other boy unsuccessfully but luckily a teacher managed to do so with ease.

That's when Peter first saw a sobbing Astrid who sat under the tree outside after being told she couldn't be with her brother.

Gwen was obviously furious and a very determined little girl as she marched to the teacher to demand otherwise.

Seeing Astrid continuing to cry- Peter got up and walked to her, holding out an apple before he even realized what he was doing.

Astrid stopped crying but was confused at the gesture, taking it anyway and quietly thanking him when the teacher and Gwen came over.

"Astrid, come on honey. Let's get you to your brother."

She nodded as she began to follow them but not before she could turn back around and smile softly at him, "Thank you for the apple, Peter."

He was shocked that she even knew his name, that much was obvious, but he was quick to snap out of it as he nodded, "You're welcome, Astrid."

Peter was sure that was the last he'd ever see of the little girl yet here they were now many years later and in yet another school together.

He was sure she didn't remember who he was at all though, let alone what happened all those years ago.

He felt she somewhat proved that with how silent she was being as he spoke of the school.

He thought if anything she wished Ned was here- hell he even wished Ned was here. He would not be making Astrid feel this awkward.

Little did Peter know she wasn't being quiet because of him.

She was a little distracted but for a completely different reason.

Her mom just wouldn't leave her mind.

On her first day of school where she should be worrying about friends she'd make or even her locker combination- she could only think of the blonde she's seen in pictures around her house.

Growing up her one goal was to make her mother proud, be the embodiment of her- to carry her legacy but now that she knew she was the reason she was gone and needed a legacy now to begin with, the guilt was eating her alive.

"Are you okay?" Peter suddenly blurt out, catching Astrid by surprise.

She turned to face him in a hurry, quick to nod, "What? Yeah! Of course, I am. Wh-why do you ask?"

"You just seem... sad. Is it because of how I acted? Because I swear I did not mean to offend you and if anything you can become friends with someone much better than me! Seriously, trust me, you have nothing to worry about in the friend department. A girl like you, you'll fit in in no time."

"I'm sorry, a girl like me?" Astrid asked, an eyebrow raised.

Peter's eye grew wide at the thought of offending her and was immediately a stuttering mess, "I didn't mean it like that! I just- well I- you see um-"

"Okay calm down there Peter," Astrid laughed, "I know you didn't mean any harm."

"I really didn't," Peter blushed slightly, "I mean you're Astrid Osborn. You're like royalty. You haven't noticed because you've been so out of it but I've either been given threatening looks by guys or you've been getting admiring looks by girls. Either way, everyone's staring."

Astrid felt self-conscious as she looked around the hallway, noticing he was right. People were staring.

Before she could ask him to lead her to her first class, a booming voice called for them.

"Penis Parker!"

Peter closed his eyes immediately, knowing this wouldn't be going well.

Flash always knew how to make his life a living hell.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Astrid raised an eyebrow at the boy shamelessly eyeing her before he finally stuck his hand out.

"Hi there, I'm Flash- Flash Thompson."

"Flash? Like the Flash?"

"Exactly like him," he smirked as she slowly reached over to shake his hand.

"Why does that sound- oh! Eugene!"

Peter fought back the laughter as Flash let go of Astrid's hand with a frown on his face.

"What? Wait! Parker did you tell her that?!"

Peter only had his hands up in defense as Astrid laughed, "No, he didn't. But Gwen did. You see, she's my best friend and she told me all about the Eugene fellow she tutors who swears-"

"Okay, bye," Flash cut her off before she could finish, not wanting to hear what she had to say- especially if Gwen Stacy said it about him.

He hated to admit it but she was basically the only person he was afraid of so he couldn't even begin to imagine what she actually had to say about him.

"Okay, can you please tell me what Gwen said?"

"She told me nothing except his name," Astrid laughed as they began to walk again, "You really shouldn't let him call you Penis Parker though. Nicknames stick and before you know it, he's going to have everyone chanting that name at a party."

"Well, be sure to tell me all about it when you see it," Peter chuckled as he fiddled with the straps of his book bag, "I don't really go to parties."

"Hey- if I'm forced to go to parties and socialize, so should you."

"Who is forcing you to go? Because you definitely do not have to. Take it from me and Ned. Instead of parties we stay home, watch movies and build- yeah I'm going to stop myself before I embarrass myself further."

Astrid laughed, feeling comfortable for the first time thanks to Peter, "I'm taking that as an invitation. I'd much rather figure out what you two do when you don't go to parties instead of actually going to one."

"Trust me, you'd be better off at a party," Peter chuckled nervously.

"No- I think I'd be better off with you... and you know what else I think?"


"We're gonna be really great friends, Peter," Astrid smiled politely before going to their first class of the day.

"Yeah... friends."

written: September 24, 2018
posted: October 16, 2018

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