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While Astrid's main focus of the day was to get to know little Morgan Stark, Tony's number one priority was testing her to start the process of redoing Shuri's cure

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While Astrid's main focus of the day was to get to know little Morgan Stark, Tony's number one priority was testing her to start the process of redoing Shuri's cure.

So when Astrid arrived at their home holding a giant teddy bear along with a big smile, he was quick to grab the stuffed animal and shove it towards Morgan.

"Let's go," he ordered, quick to grab her hand to drag her away.

"Wait!" Astrid laughed, "You didn't even introduce us!"

"Right, Morgan meet Astrid. Astrid meet my small tiny human, Morgan."

"Well aren't you the cutest tiny human," Astrid beamed, making Morgan giggle as she shoved the teddy bear back to Tony before bringing Astrid into a tight hug.

"Thank you for saving my daddy!"

"Oh you're so very welcome," she smiled as she hugged back.

Tony smiled at the scene, enjoying seeing his little girl get along with Astrid but he just as fast remembered the disappointed look on Peter's face the other day as Astrid left him alone at what once was the Avengers compound,

While Peter made it very clear that he was glad he didn't lose him, Tony still knew that part of Peter was upset with just how Astrid managed to save him because in turn that meant losing her.

And if what Peter felt for Astrid was even an ounce of what he felt for Pepper, Tony knew that there was no way in hell he would let Peter go through that pain.

"Okay mini me, let go of the girl. We need to fix her."

"Can I help?" Morgan asked eagerly.

"I think what you were supposed to say was, there's nothing to fix. Astrid is perfect the way she is."

"Harhar," Tony rolled his eyes playfully, already taking out a tablet, "So, let's get to the basics shall we?"

It was Astrid's turn to roll her eyes as she followed Tony to his 'office' where he continued his standard questionnaire to see where she was standing with her health.

"I said I'm doing perfectly fine, Tony," she reassured him after his repeated questions and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

"You know, lying to your doctor-"

"Good thing you're not my doctor," Astrid smirked.

"Hey! Cool it with the attitude-"

"Yeah, you might give the old man a heart attack."

"Shuri!" Astrid beamed, quick to hug her friend, "What are you doing here?"

"Mr. Stark recruited me to help with the cure. He figured three heads work better than-"

"Theee?" Astrid couldn't help but get hopeful, pulling away from the hug to look at the door but not seeing who she hoped would walk in.

"Hey, kiddo."

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