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"Jesus Christ

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"Jesus Christ. Really?"

"He said it was important!"

"Fridays are my days!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I had to share a whole compound with you."

Tony winced seeing the two teens start to argue, "I told you this wasn't a good idea."

"I don't care," Harry frowned, "They're going to work together whether they like it or not."

"Well, good luck getting them to cooperate- and make sure none of my equipment gets damaged."

While Tony walked off, Harry took a deep breath as he entered the lab, stopping them from leaving.

"You- what the hell is going on here, Harry?"

"There's a possibility you might be sick, Astrid."

"Not you too!" she whined before turning to Peter, "You really had to bring him into this?"

"I didn't tell him anything!"

"Well obviously you did because I didn't."

"No I-"

"You two are going to work together to find a cure for whatever the hell it is dad had," Harry interrupted them, "Because apart you two are the smartest people but together- you're unstoppable."

"Well, I'm not going to do shit," Astrid scoffed, "Cause no one is getting dad's sick-"

"What if I get it?" he interrupted her again, "I get you don't think you'll get it but what about me? What if I get it?"

"I... I haven't thought about that," Astrid whispered as she took a seat, "How haven't I thought about that?"

"I don't know but... can I count on you two to save me?"

"Of course."

"Yeah, we'll get right to it," Peter quickly agreed too.

Harry smiled as he left the room, being hopeful but still going to stick around just in case.

Meanwhile, Astrid and Peter got straight to work- their previous argument completely forgotten of as they focused on getting a cure instead.

It was supposed to be impossible, considering thousands of scientists around the world didn't find a thing but they were hopeful with Norman's journals and them working together that they could actually find something.

Or at least, Astrid wouldn't rest until she did now that Harry's life was involved.

As they read Norman's work, Peter was the first to break the silence, "How you feel about saving Harry... that's how I feel about you- how I've felt all along."

"Well, sorry for putting you through this agonizing pain then."

"Yeah... uh... no problem?"

"No problem?" Astrid couldn't help but giggle, "Seriously?"

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