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"And she just kissed you?!"

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"And she just kissed you?!"


"Without asking your permission?" Ned frowned, "That doesn't seem like Astrid."

"Well... she kinda did ask for permission."

"Wait. And she still kissed you even after you said no?"

"Not exactly..."

"What do you mean? What's not exactly about that?"

"The part where I said no... I didn't say no. I said yes."

"Peter Parker. You idiot!"

"She's my weakness," Peter groaned, burying his face in his hands.

Ned shook his head, scolding his best friend, "You've basically just asked for her to know you're Spider-man."

"Hey! Technically there's no way she could know," Peter tried to defend himself, "She's never kissed Peter Parker so really, she has nothing to compare Spider-man's kiss to."

"But what if she recognized the bottom half of your face?" Ned frowned, "I mean, cmon this isn't a Superman type of thing where people stupidly don't recognize the two very significant jawlines or can't imagine a guy without glasses-"

"Ned," Peter cut him off, "You're ranting again."

"Sorry," he sighed, "It just really pisses me off when writers assume a silly mask or glasses for that matter could mask an entire identity- okay, I'll stop."

"Let's just finally focus on this purple thing. I let myself get distracted momentarily, but not anymore."

"What did your tracker spider reveal anyway?"

"I haven't... exactly checked it since that night."

Ned gave Peter a look, "I don't care how great that kiss was- you shouldn't let it distract you, Pete!"

"It didn't!" Peter frowned, "I'm just waiting until we're actually at the decathlon and can follow the lead easier."

Ned slowly nodded, only to sigh when he noticed the look on Peter's face, "Fine. Go ahead. Talk about the kiss."

"It was like out of this world! It was honestly like nothing I ever experienced before. Like- like that was always meant to happen and we were made for each other."

"Jeez Pete, didn't realize how much of a romantic you were," Ned chuckled a bit.

"Well, I've never kissed Astrid Osborn before."


Peter and Ned turned around hastily to see a wide-eyed Gwen standing there.

She was sneaking up on them in an attempt to scare them but really, she was the one who ended up getting the shock of her life.

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