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Astrid knew that when Harry was being especially nice towards her father right before his big business trip that he was up to something

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Astrid knew that when Harry was being especially nice towards her father right before his big business trip that he was up to something.

But he wouldn't tell her exactly what, not even when Norman Osborn got into his car, his children waving goodbye to him as his driver finally pulled out of the massive driveway.

The second the coast was clear, Harry called out, "Let's go, guys!"

Astrid was surprised to see Flash and a group of guys from school pop out from behind the bushes, all rushing into the Osborn house with different things in their hands.

When Astrid saw the beer, she bit Harry's shoulder, "We're underage Harry! What the hell?!"

"Don't be such a priss, sister," Harry chuckled, stopping when he saw the look she was giving him, "Okay, fine, that guy you saw with the beer? A senior. Those are for the seniors, not us."

"Seniors? What seniors? I- what the hell is going on Harry?"

"Okay remember how we came to Midtown a little late in the game?" he asked, Astrid slowly nodding, "Well, since we came so late we missed our first homecoming and Flash and the guys gave me this brilliant idea to throw our own homecoming!"

"You're an idiot," Astrid frowned, "How are we related?"

Instead of getting insulted, Harry shook his head, "If I'm an idiot, so are they."

Astrid turned to see Gwen, Peter, and Ned make their way up the driveway with their own things in their hands.

"You too guys? Really?"

"Hey, this'll be my first high school party! No way am I passing up an opportunity like this," Ned answered easily before joining Harry who was now inside.

Gwen smiled sheepishly as she held a duffle bag up, "I've got your favorite dress of mine in here and I'm sleeping over so, it's a win-win really."

Astrid looked towards Peter who sighed, "You know better than anyone else there's no saying no to Harry."

She only sighed, looking towards her home which from outside she could already see Harry at work putting all the expensive things away.

The next thing she knew, the house was filled with teenagers as music blasted through the speakers with the term 'DJ Flash' going off every five minutes.

She was in her own personal hell.

Meanwhile, Peter spent the night getting pep talks from an extremely excited Ned.

"Honestly, you should just grab her, tell her you are in like with her and kiss her. Then bam, she's all yours."

"She's not property, Ned," Peter mumbled, his eyes following Astrid who was cleaning up the kitchen counter with an amused Gwen watching her.

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