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Astrid spent her entire sophomore year feeling like she was in a trance

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Astrid spent her entire sophomore year feeling like she was in a trance.

After she was officially an orphan after her father's death, she wasn't quite sure what to do.

But she knew once his will was read and everyone discovered Norman left everything to her, she had to step up and go back to being the normal responsible Astrid- not the one who felt guilty for mourning her killer father.

Harry wasn't surprised whatsoever- and he didn't even mind that he wouldn't get a thing of Norman's. He expected it and felt like it was good riddance if anything.

As Astrid delved deeper into his documents though- the only thing she was allowed until she turned 18, she found herself focusing on only those documents which made her especially feel bad when Peter came over one day all dressed up and with flowers in hand.

"I told Mr. Stark to watch over the city today cause Spider-man was taking the night off to spend his anniversary with-"

He stopped short seeing Astrid still in her sweats and a shirt of his, looking up from the book with a frown.

"Oh, fuck."

"You forgot?"

"No! I just- I lost track of time! Give me a minute!"

Peter stood there stunned as Astrid gave him a quick peck on the lips before rushing around her room to get ready for their date.

He sat on the bed, eyeing the books she had sprawled all over the floor, not surprised to see her once tidy roomed now stacked with books and papers everywhere.

"I'm sorry I got so caught up in the work," Astrid called out from her closet.

"It's fine. You don't scold me when I'm running late after being on Spider-man duty."

"Yeah, but I definitely get a little upset," she confessed, stepping out moments later now in a dress and her hair let down, knowing Peter loved it when she had her hair down- plus her now short hair was pretty hard to have in a ponytail.

"You did all that in less than five minutes?"

"Oh shush," she rolled her eyes playfully, "I still have to put make-up on-"

"You look so great without it though."

"We're going to be late to a reservation, aren't we?"


"Fine. Let's go then. And, by the way, I completely get it if you're mad at me for kinda- but not really, forgetting."

"I'm not mad," he gave her a look, "If anything, it actually feels nice- to finally not be the one who's a mess in this relationship."

"Excuse me?"

"I meant what I said," Peter smirked, intertwining their hands as he led her downstairs.

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