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Following Peter and Astrid's first failed attempt at a first date, Peter wanted nothing more than to take her out on a proper first date

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Following Peter and Astrid's first failed attempt at a first date, Peter wanted nothing more than to take her out on a proper first date.

Astrid wanted that too, but it was hard to do so seeing him sulk over not only losing his suit but getting detention too so she didn't want him to have to worry about another thing or fake being happy when he really wasn't.

So, they spent their time at Oscorp designing his next suit together instead.

Harry was annoyed to say the least, seeing his sister leave every night and his father not caring, instead locking himself in his room every night.

"He's been acting weird ever since he came back," Astrid confessed to Peter as they entered the school together.

"Have you tried talking to him about it?" Peter asked, although he already knew the answer to this.

With Astrid busy putting together Peter's suit, she didn't really have the time to talk to her dad.

It wasn't like she was eager to anyway.

She had definitely seen her father through his dark days but this was unlike any other.

She didn't want to admit it to Peter or even Harry but she had seen him sneak out of his room late at night and he looked sick.

But the thought of losing her father like she did her mother was too much for her so Astrid tried to push those images out of her head.

"Let's not talk about him anymore," Astrid forced a smile as they now stopped at his locker, "I'm so close to finishing the first suit. And I'm thinking for the next one, it can be all black."

"But I thought red and blue was like my colors," Peter frowned, knowing she was trying to avoid the subject any chance she got but not calling her out on it because he didn't want to push her into something she wasn't comfortable with.

"Yeah, but red and blue are also very noticeable colors. What happens when you want to be a little more stealthy? Your spidey senses can only do so much for you."

"I think I'll be fine with just my spidey-senses, thank you very much."

"Uh huh... remember the other day Harry almost caught us in my room? What happened to your 'spidey-senses' then?"

"You're very distracting," Peter pouted.

Astrid only smiled at him, finding herself leaning in, Peter doing the same.

Their kiss was very short lived though when they heard Flash's laughter, "No way! Penis Parker and Astrid Osborn?!"

Astrid groaned quietly, pulling away from Peter to face Flash.

"You done, Eugene?"

"No! No, I'm not actually! Why would you date Parker? He's so below you! You can honestly do so much better-"

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