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Miles Morales really proved everyone right about just how incredible Gwen insisted he was

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Miles Morales really proved everyone right about just how incredible Gwen insisted he was.

Turns out, he was a lot smarter than Tony initially imagined and he was a great asset to the group of teenagers working on this new project.

Thanks to the time heist, they already had an idea of what to do to travel to other dimensions, they just had to change the time travel to universe travel.

Astrid, Gwen and even Shuri all really liked Miles and everything he brought to the newly formed team.

Still, there was drama around them.

Gwen wasn't exactly comfortable working with her ex-girlfriend's new girlfriend and Peter still wasn't too keen about sharing the Spider-man mantle with Miles- or even Mr. Stark and his friends' attention for the matter.

"Told you he was a smart kid, Banner," Tony complimented Miles for what felt like the thousandth time.

When Astrid saw Peter roll his eyes, she was quick to hold his hand, giving him a look. One that screamed 'behave'.

Peter only huffed, looking down at their hands when Tony cleared his throat.

"Okay, so let's start the trial runs, shall we? Banner you take this route and I'll take-"

"Woah, woah, woah!" Gwen quickly interrupted them.

"We did all the work! Shouldn't we be the ones who test is out?"

"You want us to let underage kids test out a dangerous mission?"


"Oh get real-"

"We're not taking no for an answer," Shuri now crossed her arms, "We know the consequences and we will take them all. We're going."

When Bruce shrugged as if it were no big deal and Tony was at loss for words, Astrid smiled as she stood up.

"It's settled then! Gwen I'll go with you to Howie's choice, Peter and Miles and Shuri-"

"Why can't I go with you?" Peter interrupted Astrid.

"Because I want to go with Gwen."

"Wow! I love my girlfriend!"

Astrid only stuck her tongue out when Shuri laughed.

"So I take it, I'll stick behind to work the machines just in case these old men screw it up?"

"You guessed correctly."

Before Tony could even try to argue with them, the four got into their positions.

"Miles, please tell me you have your suit on under your clothes just in case you two get into trouble over there?"

"You mean the sick suit Astrid designed for me? I haven't taken it off since I got it."

Astrid smiled proudly at that, despite Peter obviously not being happy about the whole thing since she started the design process.

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