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It was a horrible card to play

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It was a horrible card to play. Astrid knew that much.

But she also knew she couldn't just sit back and not attempt to help her friends out with this latest threat- whatever it was.

So, she told a very worried and hesitant Happy that this is what she wanted to do before she wouldn't be able to do anything at all- when Norman's disease takes over her body.

Happy knew she was using that against him but he also couldn't exactly say no to what was apparently her dying wish.

So, he gave her the suit Tony designed for her- the suit that was only supposed to be for an emergency but he thought this would count as one if anything.

"Do I have to wear this helmet?"

"Do you want to be protected at all times and conceal your identity?"

"I guess but- I just straight up look like Iron Man- or his grungy kid. Can't I just wear a mask? Peter wears a mask."

"Peter also has superpowers. Now, go on before I regret this."

"Thank you, Happy. You're the best," Astrid smiled, placing a quick kiss on his cheek before getting out of the car and rushing towards the fight.

He silently prayed for her, hoping she would be safe, knowing not only would Lily, Harry and Brad hate him for letting her go but he would hate himself for not fighting back more.

He knew he had to have faith in her though, he had to believe that she would be okay and come back to him.

Astrid was really eager to get into action though, quick to help Tony and Peter in their fight- surprising both of them.

"Go home. Now."

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize we had this thing where you could tell me what to do."

"Astrid, cmon-"

"Okay, can you stop with the teenage angst and follow the wizard, please?"

"On it!"

"Don't forget about me!"

Peter groaned when Astrid grabbed a hold of the wizard, him barely hanging on by his webbing.

"You're going to give me a heart attack if you keep this up!"

"Then calm down! Everything's going to be fine. I've got Harry Potter here. We just need to get his magical cloak to stop."

"How are we going to do that?"

"I don't know, maybe- woah!"


Peter was quick to grab a hold of the passed out man while Astrid almost fell with his cloak, only for it to pull her up and towards the other two who were being lifted into the spaceship.

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