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"So I uh," Peter was nervously to say the least, "I may have not packed my suit."

"Oh," Astrid frowned, "Why?"

"Cause I really want to enjoy this vacation without following my instinct to help out- especially if I know I have my suit with me."

"Let's be real, Pete," she now smiled softly, "Even without the suit you'll still want to help out at any sign of danger."

"Well... hopefully there isn't any cause I really need this break... especially since it's with you."


"Ye-Yeah. And I was actually um hoping... that maybe this time around you could be the one taking me around to see the city... li-like I did with you in New York."

"I'd love nothing more," Astrid smiled brightly.

Peter smiled too, going to respond when she was suddenly grabbed by Brad who dragged her away without so much of an explanation.

"Be warned," Harry appeared beside him, "Brad is on a mission to keep you and Astrid apart."

"Of course he is," Peter sighed.

"I hope you have something planned to woo my sister, Parker."

Peter did- he really did.

The whole dual headphone plan was the perfect first part of his plan- until the seating was assigned to everyone.

The twins were seated together, of course, with Mr. Harrington on Astrid's side while MJ sat with Betty behind them and Harley sat with Brad not too far from them.

Ned was eager to enjoy his flight with Peter and their game but was disappointed when Peter instead insisted he help him out with getting Astrid to switch seats with him.

"You have to go now," Peter whispered to Ned eagerly, "Mr. Harrington's in the bathroom. This is our only chance."

Ned frowned but still got up to go to Astrid who was talking to Harry when he cleared his throat nervously.

"Hey you two."

"Hey. What's up?"

"Um... well, there's this lady wearing a shit ton of perfume and uh... it's setting Peter's allergies off."

"Since when is Peter allergic to perfume?" Harry chuckled, Ned's real intentions easily shining through, making it entertaining for the twins.

"Since like, always. And Astrid, you were always a big help to him with allergies and... stuff so I was hoping we could switch cause this perfume allergy is just cra-"

"I'm sorry, you said Peter has a perfume allergy?" Mr. Harrington grew wide eyed when he returned to his spot.

Astrid fought back a smile as he immediately went into action while a flustered Ned struggled to respond.

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