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"You came," Astrid smiled up at the figure who came to sit next to her on her roof

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"You came," Astrid smiled up at the figure who came to sit next to her on her roof.

"I did," Peter said in his 'deeper' Spider-man voice, going to sit next to her, "This is very dangerous, you know?"

"I know, but I figured if I was in danger you would come and save me."

She wiggled her eyebrows at him, making Peter smile more as he nudged her, "Of course I would- I am the most badass superhero of New York."

"Oh," Astrid frowned, "I didn't realize we were talking about Iron Man here. You really think he'd come and save lil ol' me?"

Peter gasped playfully, Astrid giggling as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

"I'm kidding. Your way better than Iron Man."

Peter only smiled as he looked up at the dark sky.

It had been a week since he and Astrid met- with him as Spider-man, and ever since then, they've gotten closer.

It was so easy for Astrid to let him in and Peter was enjoying that he was close to his favorite girl again- even if she didn't know it was him, and his throat always hurt after they talked.

But it was like after that day, they were drawn to each other.

She now found herself ditching her friends after school, looking up at the sky, smiling brightly when she saw him not too far away.

Their first few talks were just them talking about their days before Peter had to run off to help a civilian.

It then went to Astrid walking down an empty street wandering about when she was suddenly lifted and Peter held her tightly as he swung through the city.

And now, after Peter found a note on his regular waiting spot for her after school, he arrived at her roof just like she told him she'd be at a certain time.

"What really brings you up here tonight?"

"Just thinking," Astrid mumbled, picking at the polish on her nails, "I um... I finally spoke to Peter today."

"Did you?" he smiled, already knowing though exactly what happened, after all, he was there.

"Yeah... I wanted to stay mad for a little longer but I just- I missed him too much. It got me thinking... maybe Theo was right."

"Theo?" Peter grumbled, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

Astrid didn't notice though as she looked back at him, "Yeah, he said I never really fully gave myself to him. I was always one foot in and one foot out- because of him... because of Peter."

"Wo-Wow... so you really like him huh?" Peter asked but she only shrugged, making him clear his throat, "Remind me why I can't tell him this?"

"Because... because I don't know if I feel the same way anymore."

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