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Weeks had gone by and people were surprised that Harry Osborn, famous for getting kicked out of a school within weeks, was still attending Midtown high and actually passing his classes and hasn't gotten into a fight with anyone

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Weeks had gone by and people were surprised that Harry Osborn, famous for getting kicked out of a school within weeks, was still attending Midtown high and actually passing his classes and hasn't gotten into a fight with anyone.

Most people gave credit to Peter Parker and Michelle Jones for this since Michelle was able to put Harry in his place while Peter remained a good influence whenever his temper rose.

Astrid was eternally grateful to the two and made sure to always tell them that even though they just brushed her off.

They didn't mind and Michelle even, surprisingly, became very close to both of the Osborns- having a lot in common with Astrid and actually being able to stand Harry once she got used to his humor and way of seeing things.

After another day of school, the twins walked outside with their friends, neither of them paying attention to their surroundings.

Gwen was the first to spot the black SUV parked in front of the school, knowing right away that specific car belonged to the Osborns.

"I thought you two gave up the car rides home?"

"We did," Harry frowned, confused, now taking a good look at the car, unfortunately not getting a good look inside the car due to the tinted windows.

"I'm still surprised you gave up those up, Harry," Michelle snickered, remembering the first day Harry took the train with the group.

She would never get the image of him grimacing at the many smells or even people rubbing against him.

She for sure thought he'd never step foot on a train again- until performers got onto their cart and wowed him.

"After you gave me a long unwanted speech on how taking public transportation is more eco-friendly, how couldn't I give up the car?"

"And you didn't ask for it back?"

Harry gave Ned a look, "I barely talk to my dad as it is, why would I ask for a car back?"

He shrugged, "We know it wasn't Astrid, and now if you're saying that it wasn't you then who is it?"

"Well, I hate to break it to you guys," Gwen started nervously as the car door began to open, "But there is one more Osborn."

"Run," Harry warned, which Ned was quick to listen to while Peter and Michelle stayed put.

Michelle shrugged, arms crossed, "It's gonna take a lot more than an average old dude to scare me."

Peter chuckled a bit, nodding in agreement, "As intimidating as Mr. Osborn is, he isn't that bad."

Harry only scoffed when Norman Osborn finally got to them, smiling at the twins' friends.

"Gwen, Peter, lovely to see you again... and you must be Michelle."

"Um... I am."

"It's nice to finally put a face to the girl who's been helping my son stay out of trouble."

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