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Astrid felt restless

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Astrid felt restless.

With juggling her father and Peter on a daily basis, she felt like the worry was never ending.

"It's like one minute I'm worrying about dad and making sure he's going to a doctor's appointment I set up and the next I'm worrying about Peter and wondering if he's really at the place he tells me he's at."

"Wait, I'm sorry," MJ couldn't help but chuckle, "You set up your dad's appointments? How old is he again?"

"If it were up to my dad he'd never go to the doctor. He's one of those self diagnosers who appreciates doctors but doesn't think he needs them at all."

"Huh. Yeah, I can totally see that."

"Exactly! But anyways- I called the doctor just to make sure he went but she told me that he sent his secretary to pay her for what the appointment would have cost had he gone."

"Doesn't he have like the best insurance possible?"

"Yeah, he still insists on paying doctors offices," Astrid shrugged, "And when he did take us to the doctors, he always made sure to pay them extra for 'having to deal with Harry's childish behavior'."

"Wasn't he a child when he took him to the doctor?"

Astrid only gave her a look when Peter, Ned and Gwen walked into the cafeteria, all seemingly in a serious conversation.

"They've gotten a lot closer, haven't they?"

"They've always been close," MJ brushed her off, already making room for Gwen to sit on her other side.

Harry beat her to it though, turning to MJ excitedly, "I need your help."

"Get out, loser. My girlfriend is going to sit there."

"Your girlfriend can sit here all she wants- after you help me with Lily."

"Lily? What happened to Mandy?"

"She- that's not important. Cmon, come help me please? I know you two are friends-"

"We're just partners in one of our classes-"

"Great! So you have an in! Let's go!"

MJ groaned but still let herself be pulled away by Harry while Astrid looked up at the three nervously as they finally joined her.

They all muttered their hellos, neither of them even really paying attention to her as they continued to whisper amongst themselves.

Astrid wanted so badly to just leave but she also didn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing her upset, so she faked a smile instead.

"What are you three talking about?"

"Huh? Oh nothing."

"Really? Cause if it's about Spider-man... I'll have you know, I am a fellow friend of Spider-man."

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