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It was right before Peter was going to start his junior year when May finally found the small envelope with Peter's name on it after doing a very delayed spring cleaning

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It was right before Peter was going to start his junior year when May finally found the small envelope with Peter's name on it after doing a very delayed spring cleaning.

Peter thought nothing of it at first, just throwing it to the side and continuing his work until he caught a glimpse of one of the notebooks of Norman's that Astrid leant him to help him with a little problem he and Tony were having back at the facility.

It wasn't the words that got to him but rather the handwriting- it being the same as the handwriting on the envelope.

So it could really only mean one thing- Norman Osborn sent him that.

Feeling a bit of anger take over, Peter picked up the envelope and was just about ready to throw it out until he stopped.

He didn't know what it was but something in him told him not to throw it out- not until he looked in envelope and made share it was absolutely not important.

He wasn't exactly hopeful when he actually did open it and saw it was a CD.

"Who even uses this anymore?" Peter huffed as he prepared to watch what was on it nonetheless.

"Peter Parker," Norman appeared on the screen, "If you're watching this, that means I'm dead and my assistant sent this over to you... which isn't so pleasing considering I'm currently hiding from you and watching you corrupt my daughter."

Peter rolled his eyes, ready to shut it off when Norman continued to talk.

"But anyways, let me get straight to the point before your small teenage brain loses interest."

"Still insulting me even from your grave," Peter scoffed, "God, I don't even know why I bothered watching this crap."

"This is a matter of life or death- well, for Astrid. And whichever one she ends up crossing paths with, that's up to you."

Peter was definitely interested now, not even hesitating to raise the volume.

"Astrid is my life... and that is why I can't let you destroy her. Not like I did with her mother."

Peter couldn't stop watching, listening intently to every word Norman was saying about his sickness, about his wife, about the danger Astrid could be in if she were to stay in her relationship with Peter.

He explained that it was bad enough she was even thinking about having a future with him but the fact that he had his powers could badly affect her even more.

Peter replayed the video over and over again, looking into every word Norman said, part of him hoping he could catch a loop hole or even something wrong about it but nothing of the sort came up.

It was not only all that Norman had to say, it was how scared he looked- the big bad Norman Osborn looking terrified was enough to tell Peter that he should listen to his warnings.

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