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If looks could kill, Harley Keener would be dead

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If looks could kill, Harley Keener would be dead.

Everyone had just gotten back to school- it being an emotional time for most of the students who disappeared in the blip while the ones who stayed the past five years found themselves annoyed at having to shift everything around.

The staff were all exhausted- even though the day just started. Not only did they have to rearrange everything but they also had to figure out how to tell the older students who came back the bad news.

Peter should've been more angry with the fact that he basically had to repeat the year but he couldn't concentrate on that when all he could focus on was the fact that Astrid was spending all her time with this new guy.

"Who is he anyway?" Ned frowned as he watched Astrid introduce him to Michelle, Betty and Flash.

"I don't know and I don't care."

"Don't you though?" Harry smirked, "You look pretty mad, Pete."

"I'm not mad," he scoffed, "Why would I be-"

Peter stopped short when Harley put an arm around Astrid, finding himself squeezing his juice box a little too hard- the liquid spilling everywhere.

Giggles and whispers indicated that that move didn't go unnoticed by others around him and Peter sighed as he closed his eyes, ignoring the wet sticky feeling on his clothes and face.

"Please tell me she isn't coming over here."

"Okay, she isn't coming over here," Ned shrugged.



"Hey guys."

"Ned," Peter whispered as he opened his eyes again to see Astrid and the new kid standing there in front of them.

"You said to tell you she isn't coming over here," Ned whispered.

Luckily Astrid didn't hear that- or chose not to, as she motioned towards Harley, "Everyone, this is Harley Keener. Harley, this is my brother Harry, my friend Ned and... and Peter."

"Oh. Nice to meet you all," he smiled, not needing to ask about the famous Peter to know who he was.

If it wasn't Tony talking his ear off of how proud he was of Peter, it was Astrid talking about him without even fully noticing it.

It may have only been a week but he truly felt like he knew Peter already.

"So, were you a part of the blip or?"

"A part of it, unfortunately. Had to move from my hometown down here cause my little- now big sister lives out here now."

"So you live with her?"

"How do you two know each other?" Peter suddenly asked, surprising everyone.

"Um... well... I live with Tony now," Harley whispered, the others already knowing of Tony's secret.

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