He held my hand back.

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Yaoyorozu POV
It's been a week, since what happened. Todoroki still a coma. I walked to school and sit down at my desk. I look next to me and realized Todoroki is not there. Everyone glares at me. That day everyone coddled me and gave me a hugs . At the end of day, I ran to hospital and sat next to Todoroki again. I held his hand. I said nothing. Until I felt a grip back. I gasped. All these things begin to turn on I look up. And notice Todoroki mouth moving, He mumbles, "Yaoyorozu?" I look up and smile. He opens his eyes and looks right at me, "Your safe I'm glad." I begin to blush and smile and also cry. I hug him tight and he hugs back. The nurse came in and she seems happy too. He's awake that all I could think about. But then I think, "Should I tell him what I did."

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