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Yaoyorozu POV
The beach is over and I walked into class to realize nobody remembers what happen at the beach.
"Phew! Thank god!" I said to myself,
I walked into class and sit at my desk.
Ashido walks up,
"Yaoyorozu, where's you *cough* *cough* secret crush....?" She whispers,
"Of course she remembers." I look next to me and realize Todoroki is not there, he's usually here the time, I wonder where he is......
"Don't talk about that here. Don't ever want anything to slip." I said with wink, Ashido smirks and then looks around,
"No but like for real! Where is Todoroki?" She says. I look around hoping for him to maybe be sitting somewhere or just coming in but still, he's no where to be found.
It's now the middle of class and I hear the door open, I look up and realize it's Todoroki.
He smirks and says, "Sorry I'm late! Just ran into some traffic." He says with wink.
"What?! Todoroki is never this jolly! What the heck?!" I think to myself.
"Whatever. Your wasting time. Go sit down." Mr. Aizawa says
"K!" Todoroki says happily and prances to his desk. Everyone looks completely confused. Mr. Aizawa continues his lesson.
Todoroki begins swinging around in his chair and humming,
"What the heck?! What's Todoroki doing?!" I think to myself, but than he stops, I looked over to notice him watching Midoriya, his eyes wouldn't leave his sight.
Class is over now, and Mr. Aizawa leaves class, it's lunch time. Todoroki stands up and walks over to Midoriya, I freeze in shocked, "Don't you remember our lunch?" I think to myself as I watch Todoroki leave for Midoriya.

Description POV
Toga as Todoroki pranced over to Midoriya.
"Hey Izuku! Let's have lunch together!"
Midoriya looked, "Um. Yeah sure?"
Midoriya and everyone in the whole class is so confused by this new behavior, Todoroki is a very quiet person, and doesn't really have the most upbeat personality so seeing this new side of him made everyone very confused.
Todoroki followed Midoriya to lunch prancing and smiling the whole time.
"Wow Todoroki! Such a new side to you!" Ochaco claimed,
"Really?! I just thought it would be nice changed! Right Izuku?!" Todoroki asked,
Midoriya jumped, "Oh yeah sure."
During all of this Yaoyorozu sat by herself at her and Todoroki secret lunch date spot, waiting and hoping for him to come, though as lunch time began to end, she began realizing he's not coming. She was the most confused out of everyone, she couldn't really handle the rejection. As she went more and more crazy, Todoroki was having the time of her life with Midoriya.

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