Grab your phone quick!

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Todoroki POV
Yaoyorozu hugged me and apologize to me, but than I heard her final sentence, "Todoroki I love you so much." I froze at that part, I can't believe she said that. I look back at her, she was crying, I turn my body facing her now, I put my hands on her shoulders and hug her, she cries some more and hugs me back tightly,
"I'm sorry Todoroki." She says, I don't understand why she apologizing, she didn't do anything wrong, but whatever if that what makes feel her happy about herself.
"It ok Yaoyorozu, I understand your pain. I'm sorry for having you go through that. I won't allow that to happen to again alright, that Toga/Camie girl won't ever hurt you again." I said she keeps hugging me and doesn't say a word,
"And Yaoyorozu."
She looks up at me and wipes the tears off her face,
"I love you too." As I said this she begins blushing, and she smirks, I smile back and probably blushing too. We both lean in and kiss.

Ashido POV
Ochaco, Midoriya and I all watch this beautiful moment happen, Ochaco shakes Midoriya, "This is so sweet and cute!!! Deku grab your phone quick! Mina you too!" I rush out my phone and right when I open they kiss, I snap over 200 photo, Midoriya takes a slowmo video. This is gonna be something I remember forever,
"We can't tell Hagakure though! No matter what! Cause she'll tell them." Midoriya and I nodded, we all know that telling her is like hell fire. We all smile and watch this amazing moment happen. Midoriya smiles, "I never thought that Todoroki would ever be with Yaoyorozu or even have a love interest, and even kiss them!" He says as we continue to watch them.

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