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Todoroki POV
Yaoyorozu was let out of the hospital so she's been staying home for a bit catching up on school work.
I'm at school it's lunch right now.
My phone rings.
It's Yaoyorozu.
"Hey." I say,
Midoriya raises his eyebrows at me.
I roll my eyes.
"Hey Todoroki? Are you free Saturday?" She asks,
"Yeah." I say, Midoriya looks at me.
"WHY SO DRY?!!" He asks,
"Huh? Sorry what I didn't get that?" Yaoyorozu asks confused at Midoriya.
"MIDORIYA!" I shout back completely pissed off.
"Sorry Yaoyorozu. Midoriya being a pain." I say, she laughs.
"If your free Saturday do you want to come over to my house? My mom wants to thank you for saving me." She says,
"Does your mom know about us?" I asked,
"No she doesn't, she just knows you as the boy who saved me." She says,
"Alright I'm fine coming over. Will I be spending the night?" I asked, Midoriya gasps and cover his mouth, I roll my eyes again.
"Probably. But you can't sleep with me though, my mom is really overprotective." She's says.
"YOU GUYS DO WHAT?!!" Midoriya shouts,
"SHUT UP MIDORIYA!" I scream, I hear Yaoyorozu laugh,
"Todoroki I'm gonna have to go. Say hi to Midoriya for me, see you soon." She says before hanging.
"Yaoyorozu says hi." I say,
"Tell her I said hi back on Saturday!" He says,
"Alright, but you better shut up." I say,
"Yeah yeah I get it. Anyways I'm glad to hear she's not really all that traumatized from this." Midoriya says,
"She is. She's just hiding it real well." I say,
"True. That's sad though, but anyways who wouldn't be?" Midoriya says his tone turns serious.

:Time Travel a Bit:

It's Saturday I'm at her house now. I'm at her front gate.
"This is where I asked her out." I remembered. Her house is huge, she's so rich.
I call Yaoyorozu.
"Hey I'm here." I say,
"Oh great! I'll have a butler come out!" She's say and hangs up,
"Butler?!" I say to myself.
I look up and notice a man dressed in butler attire come up,
"Welcome! Please come in." The man says as we opens the front gate.
"Thank you." I say, he starts leading me to the front door, as he opens the door he says,
"Momo should be right down, please take off your shoes." He says.
"Thank you." I say, I don't know what else to say this is such a super rich lifestyle I'm confused.
I take off my shoes,
"Todoroki!" I hear Yaoyorozu voice from behind.
I turn around.
Yaoyorozu blushing stands right in front of me,
"Oh hey!" I say happily.
"Hi." She's say quietly,
"Hey Todoroki?"
"Yeah?" I ask,
"My mom wants to thank you for everything you've done for me, but it's really embarrassing, so if she says anything weird don't believe it!" She says blushing hard.
"Oh yeah sure." I say completely confused,
"Ummm.... please come with me!" She's says still acting weird.
"She's acting sorta cute, in a way." I say to myself. I follow her down the haul.
"Please my mother is right in there." Yaoyorozu says before walking away.
"Wait she's just gonna leave me?!" I say to myself, they're so proper it's so uncommon now.
"Yaoyorozu's mom is right in there, Cmon you can do this." I chant to myself, all my nerves get to me now. I slowly open the door,
"Hello ma'am."

Yaoyorozu POV
Todoroki is coming over today I'm so nervous, even though I see him everyday, he's never come inside of my house.
"Should I wear this? Or this? No he'll probably think I'm weird if I wear this or?!!!" I panic to myself, my mom walks in,
"Hey sweetie are you ok?" She asks,
"Huh?! Oh yeah I'm fine! Totally fine!" I play it cool,
"Ok. If you say so." She says, and walks outs, my mother really wants to meet Todoroki and thank him, I'm really nervous too nervous.

It's been a bit and I wait at the stairs for Todoroki to appear, I hear the door open.
Our butler asks him to take off his shoes, he hasn't notice me yet.
"Thank you." He says to my butler. He starts taking off his shoes and the butler walks away. He looks around the house, he still doesn't notice I'm here.
I'm so nervous about his thoughts of me now, I'm acting like a middle schooler!
"Todoroki!" I finally shout. I put my hands over my mouth,
"I'm so loud!"
I walk up behind him. He turns around.
"Oh hey!" He's say so cutely.
"Hi." I shyly.
"What's gotten into me?!" I say to myself, I'm usually never this shy with him.
I'm so worried to what my mom gonna say to him, I'm worried about what he thinks about me, and what if my mom says something and he starts secretly hating me?! I panic to myself, I let out of Todoroki.
"Hey Todoroki?"
"My mom wants to thank you for everything you've done for me, but it's really embarrassing, so if she says anything weird don't believe it!" I let out on him to much, I feel my face sweaty from all the embarrassment.
"Oh yeah sure." He casually says,
"Was all my stress for nothing?!" I'm now even more embarrassed, I turn around.
"Ummm.... please come with me!" I say and starts walking away.
"Please my mother is right in there." I finally completed my mission I leave and speed walk down without looking back.
I put my hand on heart,
"I'm such an idiot!!!! I'm so sorry Todoroki if I confused you!!" I say as I run away.

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