The mall

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Yaoyorozu POV
Ok, so one of the best things just happen to me yesterday.
Todoroki asked me to hang out with me today! I can't wait!
When morning rolled around, I got up and began doing my hair, taking a shower and taking forever to pick out an outfit, Mother walked in and said, "Sweetie what are you doing it's so early?" I can't let her know I'm dating let alone my class work partner!
"Oh! Ummmmm.... I'm heading to the mall with some friends!" I said. I heard my mom walked away. I took a breath, happy that Mother didn't care. I finally found an outfit and began to leave my house and head to the mall.
I arrived at the mall, I sit on a bench in front and waited for Todoroki.
5 minutes went by......
10 minutes went by.....
15 minutes went by.....
25 minutes went by......
"Oh my gosh! Where is he! Did he forget?! Or pranked me?!!!"
I begin to panic wondering if he would ever come, and than I check the time....
10:25..... I gasped and felt embarrassed, "Stupid! It's not till 11!" I feel so stupid, I got so excited that I came way to early! "Oh gosh Yaoyorozu....." I'm so disappointed in myself... luckily! There's a book store around the neighborhood, so I'll just wait and read until 10:55 then wait outside like I have not been here since 10:25! "Yeah! Smart thinking Yaoyorozu!" I think to myself and head inside the book store.
:Time Travel a Bit:
It's 10:55 now I walk outside and sit on the same bench as earlier and wait for Todoroki to arrive.
I hear foot steps come up behind me and tap my shoulder, "Hey, Yaoyorozu." I hear from behind, I look back, "Todoroki!"
I said and stand up, I look up at him and notice that he had flowers in his hand, he hands them to me, "Here I got these for you." He says and blushes, I gasped, "For me!?! He's so sweet!" I begin to feel my cheeks get red. I take the flowers, "Todoroki, this is so sweet of you, thank you! But you didn't have to get me anything!" I said with giggle, his face begins to get a bit more red, "Oh! Umm oh I just thought that girls like flowers..." he mumbles, "Oh gosh! Did I just make him feel bad!?" I thought to myself, "Of course I like flowers! It just that you didn't have to get me anything! That's very sweet of you Todoroki!" I said with smile, he smiles back and we begin to head inside the mall.

 Todoroki POV "Fuyumi?" I asked my sister,"Yeah what?" Fuyumi says, she puts her book down on the table

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Todoroki POV
"Fuyumi?" I asked my sister,
"Yeah what?" Fuyumi says, she puts her book down on the table.
"What's something nice to give a girl?" I asked, this is uncomfortable to be asking my sister this, I should have asked my brother.....
"Hmmm maybe ummm-"
"Woah! Did I just hear that my little brother got himself a girl?!" It's Natsuo, my brother.
"Natsuo! Quit it." Fuyumi says
"Sorry Fuyumi... Well Shoto? Is she cute?"
"That's enough Natsuo! Leave Shoto alone!" Fuyumi says as Natsuo covers the back of his head where she hit him.
"Wait!!!! Well Shoto is she se-"
:Slaps again:
"That's enough! Leave!" Fuyumi says as she grabs Natsuo by the ear and drags him out. I watch awkwardly, as she kicks him out of the room.
"Well Shoto.... maybe flowers? If I was her I would probably want flowers." I nod, "But what kind is there any that girls mostly don't like?" I asked, I don't want to mess this up at any cost!
"Girls like any kind of flowers, when you go to pick them out, you'll know which one is for her!" Natsuo shouts from the other in fear of Fuyumi. I nod again,
"K, than I'm going to leave. Thanks you guys." I said and headed to local flower shop near my house.
I'm at the flower shop and I have no idea what to do.
All these flowers looked cute, "But what if Yaoyorozu doesn't like that flower in the corner or what if she allergic to that orange one" I begin panicking until I look behind and find the prefect one, I grabbed it right away and headed to the mall.
When I got to the mall, I saw Yaoyorozu siting on a bench in front waiting for me, I snuck up behind her,
"Hey Yaoyorozu."

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