Think! Think!

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Yaoyorozu POV
We're here! It's been a while, I look over at Todoroki who just waking up from a nap next to Midoriya who's fan girling over training, Jirou laughs and continues to walk out of the bus with me.
"Grab your stuff and put it into a pile separating it boys and girls, the camp people will put them into your room." Aizawa says,
We put our stuff aside and the trainer comes overs, introduces their self and tells us what we're gonna be doing, all the things they say we'll mainly start tomorrow though.

: Time Travel a Bit:

It's the next day,
We're changing into our hero costumes for training, after I've finish changing I walk out to find Todoroki sitting outside alone leaning stays wall, no one else is out so I walk up,
"Todoroki!" I shout he looks up immediately and smirks,
"I want you to hang out with me!" I beg,
"Crap I just let my thoughts comes out!" I realize, I do really want to talk to him again,
"I do too, but it's risky...." he says, I look down I'm a bit bummed but I get what he means.
He grabs my waist and hugs me,
"It's just few days, after that we can spend as much time as we want together." Todoroki says,
"You promise?" I asked,
"I promise." He says and hugs me tightly before letting go,
"We don't want anyone to notice." He says and puts his hand on face to hide the fact he's blushing hard.
"Oh right." I say and walk away.

: Time time Travel a Bit:

The trainer comes and separates us into groups, I'm with, Hagakure, Sato, and Koda, we're told to start off in a certain place down the forest that was there, this camp reminds me of the first camp we went too, as we walk down the trail we're told that dummy enemies would appear and to attack them using our ultimate moves, a few dummies appeared and we took turns attacking, Hagakure held my arm she was really scared and screamed every time a new dummy appeared, we were all doing pretty good until this so called dummy appeared, it was looking out not noticing us, as I look more closely I realized it wasn't a dummy but Himko Toga, I heard after she after last incident with her and how she got caught she managed to escape some how.
I put my hand on Hagakure's mouth.
"Don't say a word that's a villain." I whispered to everyone,
"A villain?!" Sato whispers, I nod.
We stay in silent. And hope she'll just pass by and not notice, but she stops.
"Crap." Sato says, Hagakure hugs me tight, Koda stays behind Sato.
Toga looks at blade and giggles, she looks around.
"Crap! There's no bushes nothing we're right in the open!" I think to myself, we've gotta find a way outta here.......
"We're trapped." Sato says hopeless.
Hagakure moves my hand from her mouth,
"It's all over." She says.
"Think Momo! Think!" I kept trying to think of a plan to escape some how but nothing is coming.
"Come on! Come on!" I beg myself.
"What would Todoroki do in this situation?!" I think to myself.
I've got it!

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