Hagakure! I have news!

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Mina Ashido POV
I can't keep this in. I have to tell someone.
"Hagakure! I have news!"
Hagakure was at a table eating and talking with Ochaco, Iida and Deku. All laughing. All you can see was floating uniform, which informed me that it was Hagakure.
Hagakure look up and smiled, "What is it?! How was walking alone went? Sorry I'm just way too tired!" I smile back and waved to rest of the table. With all their smiles gave me thought of telling them all what I saw, "Just tell Hagakure! No one else!" I kept telling myself, "But Hagakure would probably tell everyone else anyway, and if I tell them too, Hagakure won't spread it cause she has others to chat with it about." I think to myself, I make my decision.
I'm gonna tell them all.
"Just tell me already Ashido! Tell me! Tell me!" Hagakure demands, everyone else is now wanting to know. I take a breath and pull out my phone, as I go find the photo, I explain the story.
"Ok, so I was jogging along the side of the school, and I notice Yaomomo sitting on a bench, I walked up to her to say hi, but then I saw......" everyone listens to me and waits for me to finish but before I could Midoriya shouted out,
"Todoroki?! You saw Todoroki?! Right?!"
Ochaco puts her hands up, "Now Deku! Let her finished." I nod. Midoriya looks up with enthusiasm, "Yes!!! I saw them together on a bench. Yaomomo leaning on him and holding hands!" Everyone gasps, I show them picture. They all huddle around my phone, "I've never thought of seeing Todoroki getting all romantic." Iida said while everyone agreed. Hagakure gasps, "Wait can we tell anybody?!" She asks I shack my head, "I heard Yaomomo asking Todoroki to keep it secret so don't act like we know." Everyone nods including Hagakure.

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