Tea anyone?

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Todoroki POV
Ok what I've been saying for last 10 minutes are probably the most embarrassing things I've ever said. Even better I kissed her 2 times. 3 times if you count the one I don't remember. Both Yaoyorozu and I put our heads down with our faces red, but then to make things worse my sister walks in.

Yaoyorozu POV
After that we put our heads down and both of our faces were red, we didn't speak at all until, Fuyumi open the door, she looked at us confused and stood there silent, she finally said, "Am I interrupting something?" Todoroki looks up and gets all nervous but he responds, "Oh! No Sis your fine!" He seems embarrassed, I'm probably more embarrassed than him though. Fuyumi looks at Todoroki, she seems no longer confused, she's now all happy with bright energy, "She's the opposite of her little brother." I thought to myself. Fuyumi looks at me now, she says, "Yaoyorozu, Shoto. I made some tea if you guys would like some." I look up, "I love tea." I thought. I respond, "Yes please! I love tea!" But then I think, "Wait does Todoroki like tea too?!" But before I could panic Todoroki says, "Tea sounds good." Fuyumi smiles, "Alright! It's all in the living room please enjoy!" She puts her hands together and smiles as we walked out of Todoroki's bedroom.
"Should we head out?" I said, Todoroki looks and nods we both leave his bedroom.

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