We're here! Now confess!

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Yaoyorozu POV
We made it to the beach, I slowly take everything out of the bus, Mr. Aizawa tells us the ground rules again and let's us head out, I find a nice pretty good spot in the sand and begin to build my gazebo. Ashido jumps out, "Hey Yaoyorozu! Let me help you out!" She says and slowly starts building up one side of the gazebo. I'm in total shock, Ashido would never do that, weird!
We've finished building the gazebo, I pull open two chairs and sit, I offer Ashido the second seat as a thanks for helping me build the gazebo, I look next to me and notice Ashido smiling while looking at the ocean, I look at the ocean, sad that I couldn't spend time with Todoroki.
Ochaco and Jirou come up,
"Hey Yaoyorozu, can we join you guys?" They both asked, I nodded and both girls sat down, Asui and Hagakure stay in the water, I lay back in the chair again, and look at the ocean. It's all relaxing until I hear Mineta behind me,
"Soooo... soo.. soo Beautiful!" I hear him say. I begin making a spear, until I hear something behind me, it's Todoroki ice.
"Get away from her." Todoroki said,
"Awww thanks." I said to myself, I should thank him but instead I just look at him, Ashido hopped out from her chair,
"Thank you so much Todoroki! Your such a sweetie!" She says, she runs up about to give him a hug. I felt my body jump up.
"Oh god! Jealous much? Calm down and sit back down before anyone notice!" I said to myself, but I can't move, I watch her run to him, it's plays in my head like slow motion, I hear my jealousy come out,
"Ashido! Don't touch him! He's mi-" as I was about to slip, Todoroki dodges Ashido's hug, "Don't touch me." He says and walks away. I sit back down, praying nobody notice my behavior just now. I lay back down pretending nothing happen.
"Yaoyorozu, what was that just now? What we're you about to say to Ashido before Todoroki spoke?" Jirou asked.
"Great my biggest nightmare just happen! Just try to cover it up!"
I say to myself,
"huh? Oh I was about warn her that Todoroki doesn't like being touch. That's all." I said, "That's a good cover up!"
I cheer to myself. Ashido looked up and turn head in a creepy way.
"Ohhh is that so Yaoyorozu? How do you know that. Have you tried touching himm?" She says in a creepy way. Oh gosh! I didn't think that through,
"Oh uh! It's nothing, I was just worried! For you! I didn't want him to freeze you that's all!" I said hoping that maybe that will save me but only it made it worse......
"I would believe if only, you haven't been blushing, looking, and getting jealous at almost any girl interaction with Todoroki." Ashido said with a wink,
"Have I been that obvious." I say to myself
All the girls smirk at each other and begin to circle around me, as if I'm telling a story,
"Cmon Yaoyorozu, Confess your love Cmon!" All the girls begin chanting. All girls eyes on me.
"Now confess! Confess! Confess!" All the girls chant. My head begins spinning, I'm getting dizzy, my vision begins blurring.
"Why am I getting so dizzy? I must be getting a heat stroke? Or maybe a panic attack?" I asked myself, my body gets heavy. My eyes begins blacking out, I feel my body collapsing...... I felt my eyes goes blank, I felt my self go blank.

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