Im the new you.

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Todoroki POV
I left home to go to school.
I walked down the street.
I walked across the street.
I took the shady short cut to school.
The "shady short cut" was a route I took every day to get to school, I call it that cause there's a bunch of dark shady streets and everything is abandoned.
I heard it was abandoned after a villain attack a few years back. Though ever since I was child, I only remember this place being abandoned. I speed past this, "shady short cut" until I hear a voice,
"Do you remember me?" I felt two hands grab my shoulders. I turn and created a ice wall for defense. I looked and saw a crazy freak with two messy buns  and pumps on her back, but then I remember,
"Toga!?" I shouted back her,
Toga jumps back from the ice,
"Yes of course! Omg! You remember! Cute!" I begin creating fire to shot her until she lands back on the ground,
"Calm down! I'm just here to give a hello! How's that cutie girlfriend of yours?" She asked with wink. I don't respond.
"Why the cold shoulder! Get it!? Cold shoulder! No? You don't? Bummer!" She says, and giggles. She continues to talk,
"You know Izuku!?" She begins,
I freeze,
"Midoriya?! What she want with him?"
"A reaction! So you do know him! Well I was just looking for him! I just wanted to see him sooo bad after watching soooo many videos of him! He's soo my type! I also want to see him bleed! Like a lot! You know that crave right?!"
She says and points at me with her knife.
"No I don't!" I said and begin attacking her with ice and fire.
She hides behind a trash can,
"Bummer! I thought we could a nice reunion! But I see you could care less!" She cries and begins attacking me back.
I kept attacking until she disappears.
"Just like last time!" I remember what happened last time I ran into this freak.
I keep on my guard.
Until I felt a sudden push.
I fell face first, on the ground. I felt two knives go down on my palms.
I scream in pain, but I gotta save myself! I begin creating ice and fire hopping to get away. But the way she push me on the floor made me practically splat, so my arms were spread out, not being able to make this freak even flinch.
"You freak! What are you doing now!?" I demand.
"Well I need to talk to Izuku! I just gotta! So I need to get in some how! And your just prefect! Plus you were trying to attack me earlier while I wasn't even gonna try and hurt you!" She says and begins grabbing pumps from her,
"Cmon think! How am I gonna get outta this." I try to kick and do everything but it doesn't work. She just sits on my back and prepares her pump. I scream, but there's no one here, it's just me and Toga in a dark alleyway.
"Dam! I knew I shouldn't go down this way!" I think to myself, but regretting my decision won't do anything now. I just gotta find a way outta here!
I try shooting my ice out from my palm and try leading it towards Toga but she dodges the attack. My palms hurt even more now. I feel helpless but I keep on trying. Nothing works.....
Until I felt the pump needles stab into my back.
"Sorry sweetie! I might need a lot of blood for this! I just have to see my Izuku just once!" She says,
I kept trying to shoot her with my quirk but nothing works. Until I start feeling weak, tried and dizzy. My vision starts getting blurry.
"Sorry! Your probably gonna pass out! But I need a lot of blood!" She's says but I'm so weak, my body feels heavy. But I managed to say this,
"What the hell are in those pumps to make me feel so weak?!" I kept getting weaker.
"Silly! There's nothing in the pumps! I'm just taking a lot of blood!" She says with a giggle.
I start feeling my eyes get heavy..... my body won't move..... I'm too exhausted to use my quirk. I slowly start feeling my eyes shutting. My whole entire mind goes black.

Description POV
Toga takes all the blood she needs for now, she notices Todoroki has passed out due to all the blood she took.
"Sorry sweetie if it hurt!" She says and removes the knifes from his palms. She drags his body behind a trash can so people can't look down the alleyway and notice a person there.
"Don't worry! I'll still spend time with your girl!" Toga says as she leans his head against the trash can.
"Don't leave okay? I'll be back later for some more blood!" Toga says as she slowly transforms into Todoroki and skips her way to UA.
"Izuku Midoriya...... I'm coming!"

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