Where are you?

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Todoroki POV
It's Mina Ashido, she's standing right in front of me completely serious,
"Yeah what?" I say in anger tone, I don't want anyone near me, it's just the two of us standing out here.
"Are you worried about Yaoyorozu? Is that why your like this?" She asks,
"Like what?" I ask,
"In this bad mood. I get it your worried huh?" She asks,
"Of course I am! It's Yaoyorozu! And-" Shit I just fell into her plan, my stress blurred my common sense.
"Oh I see....." she says seeming a bit sad,
"What do you want Ashido?" I asked,
"I want to know if Yaoyorozu is gone forever, will you take me?!!!!" Ashido asks, she starts crying.
"Todoroki I love you!" She's confesses,
"What?!!! She likes me????!!!" I'm completely confused.
"Todoroki I want to be with you so bad! I didn't know how else to tell you!" She cries,
"I'm sorry I've been obsessing over you and Yaoyorozu! I just- just- I just love you so much it hurts!" She cries,
I get it now. She's lonely, just like me right now, Yaoyorozu is my everything, and now I'm not even sure if I can get that back. I feel so bad for her, but at the same time I'm sorry. I can't do it.
"Ashido." I say, before hugging her.
"I'm sorry your lonely, I get that, but I'm sorry I can't be anything to you. You see when you truly love someone, you know, I'm sorry I'm not that one." I say and let go.
"Ashido. I hope you find happiness some day." I say and walk away.
"Todoroki! It's you though!!!!! You are that special one I truly love! Don't go please!" She begs, she grabs onto my arm ,
"Todoroki please!" She begs,
"No I'm sorry. Yaoyorozu is my special one." I confess to her, even though she pretty much already knows that she is.
Ashido let's go of me and wipes her tears,
"K than you better get her back, cause my confession ain't free." She says and walks away.
"I promise." I say but she's already gone.
I feel bad for her. But I'm sorry I don't have any feelings towards her.

:Time Travel a Bit:

It's the end of the day and I'm home. I go to my bedroom, I'm too stress to go eat. I lay in my bed looking at the ceiling.
"Please be ok." I pray.
"I could be apart of that future, if you call that a prefect future." Those words been haunting me since this happen.
"Yaoyorozu where are you?" I asked.

Description POV
Yaoyorozu is now in this metal box prison room, it's sealed all around, the walls are metal and there's no furniture, and there's no windows anywhere it's shut out from the world. Yaoyorozu lays on the ground unconscious.
"Should we open it up and check her out?" Toga asks Twice,
"Let's try! Bad idea...." He says.
"If she tries and escape I'll cut her!" Toga says and starts to unlock the metal door.
It slowly opens,
"We're gonna cut you up!" Toga says until she sees Yaoyorozu unconsciously laying on floor.
"Aw man! Guess no cutting today!" Toga says sadly.
"Shouldn't we feed her?" Dabi says as he enters the room.
"Since when did you get here?!" Twice says,
"I was having a moment!" Twice complains.
"That girl needs food to live." Dabi says,
"She'll be fine!" Toga says and skips away, Twice follows.
Dabi sighs and walks away.

Yaoyorozu POV
I wake up.
The room is completely medal.
"Where am I?"
I try to get up.
"Ow!" The pain from the stabbing are still there.
Now I know where I am.
"Todoroki..." I can barley speak.
"I'm so hungry." I say to myself, I'm laying on the ground not being able to move or do anything.
I'm helpless.
I can't even cry.
I felt the door open.
"I see your awake!" Toga says.
"I'm gonna take more blood k!" She says with a giggle.
"No.... sto....." my mouth is so dry and I'm so weak I can't even speak.
"What? I can't hear!" Toga says,
"Stop? That's what you want? Sorry can't do! Your important to me sorry!" She says before injecting the needle in me.
I make a small noise in pain.
I'm so dehydrated and weak, I pass out almost immediately.

Ok so I don't wanna write a whole chapter about them looking for Yaoyorozu cause that's just too long, so they're going to be a lot of huge time skips. If you guys want an chapter about them looking for her let me know and I'll write it but for now they're won't be.

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