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Todoroki POV
I can't believe what I'm hearing, I can't believe that's what she thinks,
"You really think I would be happier with some else?"
She looks up at me and than looks back down and nods, as we dance. I put my hand under her chin, and lift her head up a bit to look at me.
"Yaoyorozu look at me...."
Her face turned red, and her eyes met with mine,
"That's a lie. What you said was a lie, because how could someone as prefect a you be replace." Yaoyorozu eyes widen,
"Yaoyorozu you are the most important person in my life, no one can ever replace you. Do you understand? I don't want ever having doubts in yourself anymore please." I asked her. Yaoyorozu looks at me with a small tear in her eye, her mouth jittering,
"I promise Todoroki! I won't think like that ever again!" She said with tear now going down her cheek, she hugged me while we were dancing. She whispered in my ear, "Todoroki, thank you. I love you." She said as she hugged me. People looked but continue minding their own business, I hugged her backed,
"I love you too." I said to myself.
She slowly released her arms and continue on dancing,
"And besides Yaoyorozu, why would I chose Ashido of all people, I mean she's not really my type." I said with a bit of sarcasm, she smirked and blushed. As the night continued on, I couldn't stop being so happy dancing with her.

: Time Travel a Bit:

It's later in the night, the party is slowly ending, Yaoyorozu had her arm wrapped around mine as we began leaving the dance, everyone else was leaving already too, as we started heading towards the door Ashido stands in front of the door,
"You know, I would've like to had at least one dance with you." She said in a angry tone.
"I would never." I said back to Ashido. Ashido face looked shocked as I said this. I continue walking with Yaoyorozu arm still wrapped around mine as we headed out the door.
We walked home, talking about how amazing the night was, something I won't forget, I had such a great time.
When we got home, I knocked on the door, Yaoyorozu slowly unwrapped her arm from mine. We both stood at the door waiting for someone to open it.
"Shit! What if that scumbag opens it!?" I worry, but than remember that he's out working, but than I remember that Natsuo and Fuyumi are home.
The door unlocks.
"Shoto! You finally back a-..... WOAH!!!! Is this that girl you were talking about?! She's a hottie!!! I'm proud of you!!!"
Yaoyorozu looks at him completely mortified,
"Yaoyorozu, meet my older brother, Natsuo."

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