Midoriya the honest

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Shoto POV
My sister came and picked me up after that and I spent the next day at home.
Now I'm back at school.
I don't know how I'm going to face anyone.
Especially Momo.
I walk into class.
I sit at desk.
"Shit! Momo sits next to me.... how am I gonna do this??" I panic to myself.
I see her walk in.
I keep my head down.
She sits down and doesn't say a word.
"Did you finally realize, that you don't need someone as shitty as me?" I say to myself .
Class is over.
I get up and go to sit somewhere else.

I sit behind the school sports field.
I sit by myself, until I hear footsteps.
"Momo I don't even know how to do speak to you." I say to myself preparing to see her.
Except Midoriya actually came up.
"Hey Todoroki." He says.
He sits down.
"How are you?" He asks,
I give him my honest answer,
"Not good." I say.
"Oh." He says.
"I'm sorry for beating the shit out of you." I apologize.
"Huh? Oh that! No, your good! Don't worry about it!" He says with a smile.
"But I-" I begin but he stops me.
"It wasn't you, so don't worry about it!" He says,
"It wasn't you!" Those words have been all I've been hearing.
I know this is all clearly my fault.
"Everyone has been saying that." I say.
"Yeah I know they have, they're saying the truth, I mean to be honest technically it was you, but you were being controlled." Midoriya explains.
"Thank you for the honesty." I say to myself.
"Still, I don't know how to face anyone." I admit.
"I can see why, you acted like trash!" Midoriya says.
I smirk, I need this honesty.
"So.... have you apologize to Yaoyorozu yet?" He asks.
I tense up a bit, my anxiety kick in.
"I'm guessing no... sorry I asked!" Midoriya says and awkwardly laugh.
"It's okay, but I can't face her." I admit again.
"Yeah I mean you hurt her pretty bad." He shrugs and says.
"I don't think I deserve her." I say.
"What? What are you talking about? Of course you do!" He says shocked.
"All I do is make her worry and than I hurt her." I say,
"Do I really deserve someone so amazing as her?" I ask,
"Your amazing too! I mean look, you were drugged ok?! Just apologize hug her and do some couple stuff!" He says,
"You really shouldn't take this too hard! Just apologize." He says,
"How?" I ask,
"Hey Yaoyorozu, I'm sorry for that, didn't mean to beat the shit out of you, it wasn't me." He says deepening his voice to sound like me.
"That sounds horrible." I say,
"Yeah it does!" Midoriya says laughing at himself.
"I can't face her..... I- I should just let her go." I say.
"Let her meet someone who she really deserves." I say.
"NO." Midoriya says.
"You and her are prefect! Stop being so sensitive!" He says.
"Just apologize. Maybe explain to her a bit of what was going on." He says,
"Doesn't she know?" I ask.
"Oh yeah she does... hey I helped too!" He says.
"Oh right, thank you." I say.
He nods.
"Hey if you could apologize to me so easy, do the same for her." He says.
"That's true." I say.
I hear footsteps.
I look back.
It's Yaoyorozu.
I tense up.
"C'mon it's okay." Midoriya says.
"Damn was this all planned?!" I say to myself.
"Hey." Yaoyorozu says with a smile.
"I don't think you deserve me...." I say.
Midoriya gasps.
"What do you mean?" Momo asks in a gently tone.
"I.... I think you need someone better than me...."

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