The Bus

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Todoroki POV
Midoriya been acting weird, he talked real crap about Yaoyorozu which I was not going to let happen, sorry Yaoyorozu if this sorta gives us away but I don't want anyone ever talking bad about you.
I spoke up, but than I went to far......
I almost said I asked her out. But I stop myself hopefully he didn't hear.
We get on the bus, I sat with Midoriya, Yaoyorozu is further up, behind us was Iida, Iida alone. Once everyone settled the bus started going, I put on my sunglasses, and shut my eyes. It's so hard to sleep though with everyone talking, but I'll try to get some sleep.
Until I hear Midoriya trying to talk to me.
"Todoroki? Hey? You awake?" He said shaking me.
I'm awake now after he shocked me to death.
"Yeah." I said.
"Ok, sooooooo I was wondering.... if you had any romantic feelings for Yaoyorozu?" Midoriya said,
I'm in total shock, "How did he know?! Was it from what I said earlier.... shit!" I thought to myself. I have to cover this up somehow......
"No. Why?" I said hopefully that works,
"Oh nothing, just cause your super defensive of her, you even risk your life for her and, you always look at her! I see you!" He says, I'm panicking, If he really saw anything I'm screwed, I have to cover this up Cmon!
"I'm not looking at her, it's just that, she is sitting right in front of window and I like looking outside." I said. How am I gonna get out this....
Iida now pops his head into the conversation, "Todoroki you seem to show romantic body language and feelings to Yaoyorozu." Great now Iida is involved too, just great.
"Look it's nothing like that you two, were just friends." I said hoping to dodge this conversation, I lean my head back hoping they think, I falling asleep. But that just did the opposite instead Iida said the worst thing ever,
He leans in and whispers,
"But Midoriya has witness and reported seeing Yaoyorozu and you, hold hands and kiss." I freeze "SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!", I have no words, Midoriya is even frozen too..........
Midoriya pushes Iida head back, and whispers something to Iida, Iida gasps puts one hand on his mouth and falls back to his seat.
"Look Todoroki, I'm really sorry, don't worry we won't tell anyone. Right Iida!" Midoriya says with smile trying to lighten things up, I put my head down, my hands on my face, and my face is sweating.
"I can't believe, I let this happen..... I'm so sorry Yaoyorozu." Midoriya panics, "Todoroki?! Are you okay?!! Did you faint?!!!" I practically did faint.
"Quickly we have to tell Mr. Aizawa." Iida said, Midoriya grab Iida arm,
"You just sit down. And don't talk." Iida shuts his mouth and sits back down,
"TODOROKI?!!! Hey! Snap out of it!" He says and starts shaking me, I can only think of one thing to say,
"Pleas you two, don't say anything! Please!" I begged, Midoriya and Iida look at each other, they both nod, "thanks guys" I said and lean back on my chair, but now I've gotta explain why they can't,
"The reason why is cause, Yaoyorozu asked me to keep it a secret from everyone cause she doesn't want Ashido and Hagakure plus the whole class to find out. So please don't tell anyone. Please." I begged again. Midoriya and Iida both nod again,
"Todoroki, don't worry we won't. We totally understand." Midoriya tells me, I trust Midoriya, I know he won't, and I know Iida won't as well. Though I still want to see the reporting Midoriya has of Yaoyorozu and I.
"Could I see the reporting Midoriya, that you have of us?" I asked, Midoriya grabs his phone out, and scrolls through his camera roll, "Aha! Here it is!" He says and hands me his phone. I click the video to play, but I can already see that he has multiple videos of us.
The first is of us kissing......... "Oh god, why?!!"
I hand Midoriya back his phone, "Don't you dare share that with anyone." I tell him, Midoriya jumps, "Oh! Yeah! Sure!" He says in fear, Iida nods,
"K good." I said.
They both look at me with a bit of fear.
I close my eyes, hoping that maybe sleep will calm me down.

Midoriya POV
Iida took it too far..... I think we killed Todoroki!
Todoroki puts his head down with hands on his face, I shake him and asked him if he was alright, but he wasn't responding, I think we said too much, I think he fainted. Iida stands up saying we tell Mr. Aizawa, but Iida is so loud he'll probably give Todoroki a heart attack and kill him. I grabbed Iida hand, "You just sit down. And don't talk." I tell Iida,
Iida sat back down. Todoroki starts begging us not to tell anyone, (I guess he not dead) since of what happen so far, I won't even tell Ashido, cause I didn't realize how important this is to him, I'm starting to feel real bad for all this. Todoroki looked at us one more time and said, "Don't you dare share this with anyone." He says, I jumped, Ive never seen him this angry before,
I in fear said, "Oh! Yeah! Sure!" I said sheepishly. Iida nods but I can tell he's scared too,
"K good." He says and leans back in chair. And tries to fall asleep. I turn back to Iida and tell him not to tell the others cause I don't want Todoroki to kills us, Iida nods still fear of Todoroki. We both are in fear of Todoroki.

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