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Todoroki POV
I wake up, but it's still dark. I'm feeling a lot better even thought it's only been a day, I only feel like I have a light cold. I grab my phone from the side of my bed,
It's 1 am.
I sigh, now I'm going to have to try falling back asleep. I look over and notice a little note. I can't see it though, I turn on the flashlight on my phone.
"Shoto. Please take your pills once you wake up, I'll probably be asleep by then.
From your favorite best big brother ever.
Natsuo. :)" I want to crumble this note so bad, Natsuo always knows how to piss me off, before I could get even more angry I look over and notice Yaoyorozu sitting on the side of my bed asleep. I totally forgot she was here.
"Why didn't she just go home?!" I thought to myself, but than I remember how worry she was for me. I love that about her but she's needs to think about herself for once too. I just brush her head, her hair which is usually tied up is now kinda droopy, I can tell she's exhausted. I lean in and kiss her on the cheek,
"Thank you, Yaoyorozu." I whisper.
She of course doesn't respond.
I lay back down. I take my pills.
I worry about these pills, they make me sleep so easily.....
Before I fall asleep I look up at the ceiling and think about how Yaoyorozu has always been there for me, she's worried for me so much, I feel bad that I don't know what to do back for her. I need to thank her some how. Before I can think anymore I start getting extremely tired and can't think anymore. I fall asleep.

I wake up again only for it not to be dark.
I check the time and notice it's actually 7. I actually woke up at a decent time, I look at my phone and notice a text from Midoriya.
"Hey how are you feeling?"
Midoriya is like Yaoyorozu, they both care for others.
"Better. A lot better."
I respond, I look over my bed and see Yaoyorozu still asleep. I slowly get up and let her sleep for as long as she can.
I start to get up and clean myself up a bit, since I'm all sloppy from yesterday.

Yaoyorozu POV
I hear water running.
"WAIT HOWS TODOROKI?! DID HE HAVE AN ATTACK WHILE I WAS ASLEEP?!" I panic to myself. But than realize Todoroki's not in bed.
Stress lifted from me.
I hear water running.
"Oh he's in the shower probably."
I relived myself until my brain starts thinking......
"What if he forgets his shirt?..... oh god no!!!!" That part of brain starts going. I slap my face.
"Shut up Momo!" I say out loud, as all of this was going I didn't realized the water had stopped running, now I'm talking out loud and Todoroki is standing right behind me.
"Yaoyorozu why you telling yourself to shut up?" He asked so innocently and cutely,
"Oh um...." I turn and notice he has a shirt on and his hair is all crazy and wet.
"Your cheeks are red too." He says, he kneels down.
"Are you ok? I didn't get you sick did I?" He asks with a face of worry, putting his hand on my cheeks.
"I'm fine!!! I just had a bad dream that's all!" I feel myself getting warm,
"Anyways..... Are you feeling better? You seem a lot better?" I asked trying to forget everything that just happened.
"Oh yeah I am, all I feel now is like a light cold and nothing more. I'm really good now." He says with a smirk.
He gets up and grabs a towel. He goes up to a mirror and drys his hair with the towel, the way he keeps doing it though is just going to mess up his hair even more. I come up behind him and put my hand on his head. He looks,
"Todoroki your gonna keep messing up your hair like that. Let me." I say with a smile.
"Oh I am, than please." He says and sits down.
I begin drying his hair with towel.
His cheeks are red.
"Thank you Yaoyorozu, your always there when I need it, and I've never done anything in return, and I'm sorry." He says quietly.
I don't know how to react he's already done so much for me I don't know what he's talking about.
"Todoroki you've down plenty for me, just being with me is more than enough." I say with a smile. He smirks, turns around and whispers "Thank you. I love you." Before kissing me.

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