You look beautiful

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Todoroki POV
I'll never forget the moment I saw Yaoyorozu walk out, she wore a beautiful dress and her hair was stunning. She was so beautiful I must look like a try hard.
"Am I too ugly for her?" I said to myself, having doubt in myself. We began walking to the dance, Yaoyorozu walks next to me uncomfortably. I've already told her how beautiful she looks but I think I made her nervous.
"Todoroki?" Yaoyorozu says nervously,
"I don't know how to put this but."
I stop and stare at her. She looks the other way.
"Do I look like a try hard next to you? Because your dressed so nice and I look at myself and think I look like a try hard."
I don't know what to say, I'm out of words.
"How could she think that?! She's so beautiful!" I think to myself.
"That's not it at all Yaoyorozu. You look beautiful tonight, in fact I think I look like a try hard next to you. You look beautiful Yaoyorozu, I mean that." I said in 100% honesty. Yaoyorozu looks up at me and blushes.
"Thank you Todoroki." She says sheepishly. I nodded and put my arm out, she wraps her arm around my arm, as we walked to the dance......

: Time Travel a Bit:

We arrived at the dance. I can already hear the party inside. I look over at Yaoyorozu, who face looked more uncomfortable than usual.
"You alright?" I asked,
"Huh? Oh yeah....." she said uncomfortably.
"Hey, it's gonna be fine. You look beautiful Yaoyorozu." I reassured her, she sighs, "Ok! Let's go have some fun Todoroki!" She says now with a big smile. I smirk as we head inside.
It seemed like not everyone from our class was inside yet, but the other classes were. Everyone was dressed very formal as nice. Yaoyorozu, still had her arm wrapped around mine as she looked around. As I look around I see Midoriya across the room with some other people.
"Want to go hang out with Midoriya and them?" I asked Yaoyorozu.
"Sure." She says with a smile, she seems already really happy to be there. As we start getting closer them Yaoyorozu unwrapped her arm from mine,
"Probably too embarrassing for her." I thought to myself as we walked up to Midoriya and them.
"Oh hey guys!" Midoriya said cheerfully,
"Hey! Yaoyorozu!" Ochaco said as she stood next to Midoriya.
"You guys look great!" Midoriya said.
"Oh thanks." Yaoyorozu said with a smile.
As Ochaco and Yaoyorozu started there own conversation Midoriya whispered,
"Did the you guys come together?"
"Yeah." I said,
"Nice!" He said with thumbs up,
"How about you? Did you come with a Ochaco? I saw you two hanging out right when we walked in."
"Huh?! Oh no! It's not like that!!!" He says in panic, I smirk and leave it at that. I over hear Yaoyorozu and Ochaco conversation.
"You look great Yaoyorozu!" Ochaco says,
"Really? I don't thank so myself......" Yaoyorozu says with low confidence in herself, I want to go over there and tell her to stop with all this low confidence crap, but I think I'll make her feel worse.
I hear more people walking in, some from others grades some from our class, It's Mina Ashido, I really don't like her, she's too much and a bit annoying, she always in Yaoyorozu's face too.
Of course she runs to Yaoyorozu.....

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