I want to hang out

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Todoroki POV
We came out from the mission without a scratch, we both walk back to UA.
Yaoyorozu smiles and prances next to me.
"We did Todoroki! Without a single scratch, amazing! Your strategy was amazing!" She says she couldn't stop smiling, "Now Yaoyorozu, you did your part too, if it wasn't for you I don't think we could have gotten him." I said back with smile. She smiles and we keep walking to UA.
Yaoyorozu is so much fun to be around, I want hang out sometime.....
"Oh gosh... what am I thinking! If I do that I would probably mumble and stress out so much, she would probably be embarrassed to go with me." I thought to myself, I keep having back to back thoughts in my mind about weather or not I should I ask her. Until I feel like this is my chance to ask her, we're by ourselves and it's kinda the prefect moment, you know after we just succeeded in a mission, a nice reward would be to hang out.... right?
"Yaoyorozu..... wou... ld.... would  you.... like tooooooooo....... hang... out sometime?" I said, she looks up confused and than smiles, "Sure! I'm open tomorrow! Let's go to the mall!" She says and than gasp and covers her mouth, "I'm so sorry! I just started rambling I should've asked if you had any plans!" She says and blushes, I smile and blush as well and looked the other way, "So Tomorrow?.... at what time?" I said, "Hmmmm maybe 11:00?" She says and looks at me for approval, I nod and she begins talking about where we should meet up, I agree with everything she says.
We get to UA and grab our stuff and walk opposite ways, she waved and smiles as I leave and says, "See you tomorrow!"

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