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Yaoyorozu POV
I shake that thought out of my head. Natsuo still cooks.
I hear footsteps walking towards the kitchen, it's Todoroki.
"Oh hey your finally awake!" Natsuo says
"Hey." He says to both of us, his hair is mess, I've never seen it so messed up! Usually his hair is perfectly parted and I think it's cute but wow! His hair is a mess.
Natsuo speaks my mind,
"What's wrong with your hair?!" He asked Todoroki,
"I don't know." Todoroki responded. Todoroki looks at me,
"Did you sleep well?" He asked with a smile.
"Uh yeah" I said. Oh gosh that small but deadly smile got me.
"K kids imma go now, I've made you guys breakfast. See ya!" He says with a smile and starts out the door.
Todoroki sits down at the table and starts eating,
"Thanks Natsuo bye." Todoroki says and puts his hands together for thanks.
"Bye. Thank you." I say, Natsuo smirks and closes the door.
"Did my brother bother you much?" Todoroki asked.
"No not at all!" I say honestly.
"Ok, sorry for sleeping in so much I've really tired lately, I don't know why." Todoroki said with sneeze coming up after that.
My hearts beats fast, my face gets red.
"That was the cutest thing I've ever seen!" I think to myself.
"Maybe your um getting sick?" I say, Todoroki nods,
"Probably." He says
You can tell he's so out of it this morning based with his short answers and messy hair, honestly it's cute.
Another sneeze.
"You sure your good?" I said with small laugh,
"Yeah I think so." He said with a shrug.

: Time Travel a Bit:

I had a lot fun that day with Todoroki that day, we hung out at home and talked it was nice though Todoroki was obviously getting sick but he wouldn't admit to it instead his cheeks got red and he looked the other way. Don't know how's that's embarrassing but whatever. That dream though...... Was it a nightmare or the future?

Todoroki POV
I had a lot of fun with Yaoyorozu this weekend, my brother was annoying and when I woke up that morning to Yaoyorozu and Natsuo were talking, was he black mailing me?! Ughh I need to get these thoughts out of my head.
I can't stop sneezing and I've been feeling sick lately but it's probably a simple cold no more, Yaoyorozu is worried though.
I walked into class and sit down at my desk. Yaoyorozu is already there she looks than waves with a smile. I smile back.
Class is now over, and Yaoyorozu waits for everyone to leave, we both head out and go to our spot. She sits next to me and leans her head on my shoulder. I shut my eyes and daze off, I haven't been feeling good at all my head has been hurting and my body aches.
"Todoroki?" Yaoyorozu looks up at me.
"Your burning up, you should go check in with the nurse or just cool yourself off with your quirk." She says, with worry in her eyes. I start to feel bad,
"Maybe I should listen to her." I think to myself. I could just use my quirk and cool down but that's not good idea because I might mess up with my concentration due to being all messed up due to this head ache.
"Yeah I think so." I say,
I get up, but my head starts spinning I start over heating, I lose my balance.

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