In my way.

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Momo's POV
It's the next day and I sit at my desk waiting for class to start.
"Yaoyorozu, have your heard of this?" Jirou asks showing me a article about how to get your hands on rare tea.
"No I haven't." I say.
I look at the door hoping for Shoto to walk in.
"It's getting late, Where is he?" I ask myself.
Slowly everyone starts walking in.
Shoto seat is still empty.
"FIVE SECONDS LEFT!" Iida shouts.
Right after that Shoto walks in his face seeming angry about something.
Todoroki looks up and rolls his eyes.
"Maybe something happened at home?" I thought to myself.
"Hey Shoto." I say quietly.
He looks at me with disgust and than turns away.
"What's going on?" I thought to myself.
He looks up at the chalk board completely over it.
I look at him and his eyes seem so angry. He's not himself, I keep trying to figure out what's going on but I can't.
I keep staring at him.
I notice a small sliver patch with a red dot in the middle on his neck.
Since I'm close with him I immediately go to grab it just cause I thought I could do that.
He immediately grabs my hand,
"What do you want?" He asks in an extremely angry tone.
"Oh sorry! I just wanted to know what was on your neck..." I say quietly.
"This? Next time ask, but its nothing." He says in disgust.
"Oh ok." I say and look away.
"What??" I ask myself in confusion.
:Time Travel a Bit:
Class is over and Todoroki keeps acting so angry.
I have to ask him.
"What is going on? Why are so angry?" I ask, he looks at me with even more anger.
"I'm fine. Your just in my way, I wouldn't mind if you just shut up for once." He says and starts putting work into his bag.
I don't know how to feel right now.
I can't tell weather to be offended or to know that's not him.
I sit at my desk completely frozen.
Slowly everyone starts leaving for lunch, with only, Kirishima, Ochaco, Midoriya, Todoroki and I.
Midoriya walks up to Todoroki, I want to say Midoriya don't go to him right now but I can't, I'm still so confused.
"Today was a bit rough wasn't it?" He asks casually to Todoroki.
"Oh? It was actually easy, just idiots like you wouldn't understand." Todoroki says annoyed.
"What? Hey, you good? You've been so upset. What's going on?" Midoriya asks,
"It's nothing. I'm myself." Todoroki says,
Midoriya is the type of person to literally force you to say what you don't want to say,
"No. Your not you." Midoriya says back.
"I told you I was FINE." Todoroki starting to get angry.
"If you were fine, you would be socially awkward, plain and honest but actually nice, and you would do anything for Yaoyorozu instead of treating her like trash. Just who the hell are you?" Midoriya asks, Todoroki looks at him completely upset,
"It's all over now." I say to myself.
Todoroki punches Midoriya in the face.
"SHUT UP. JUST SHUT UP." Todoroki yells at Midoriya.
Midoriya punches back.
"I will when you stop acting like shit!" Midoriya says,
Kirishima tries to stop the fight.
"Hey man, lets stop this!" Kirishima says keeping cool.
"Get out of my way." Todoroki says and punches Kirishima.
He now targets Midoriya again.
They're about to punch each other again.
"I have to stop this!!!" I say to myself, I walk up.
"Shoto!" I scream, I put my arms out.
"Yaoyorozu don't!" Midoriya yells.
"I told you to stop getting in my way right?" Todoroki says.
He grabs my arms and pins me against a wall.
He than punches me a bit.
I don't fight back, I let him.
He finalizes it with a kick to my ankles resulting me to collapse to my knees.
"I'm tired of this shit. I'm leaving." Todoroki says as he leaves the classroom.
Everyone runs up to me.
"Are you ok Yaoyorozu?" Everyone asks.
"These punches look bad? Let me help." Ochaco says looking a bit mortified of the punches.
"I'm fine, but what about you guys?" I asked,
"We're fine, but look at you, your messed up." Midoriya says he puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah I'm good, but he did a number to you." Kirishima says,
"What's going on?" Ochaco says.

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