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Todoroki POV:
She said it! She said it! She said. Yes.
I turn my head and see her smiling and blushing, "But, Todoroki please don't tell others, I don't want people knowing, and most of all Mina cause she will flip." She says with a laugh and wink, I smile and nod, "Thanks Todoroki." She says and smiles, "Thanks for everything." She says and opens the gates and walks to her door. I watch her from behind the gate, and makes she gets home safe, as soon as she closes her door, I walk back to my house.

:Time Travel a Bit:

Todoroki POV:
I walk into class seeing Yaoyorozu leaning on my desk with some papers, I walk over, "Yaoyorozu." She looks up and smiles, "Hello Todoroki." I smile back. I sit  down, she still leans on my desk, "Say Todoroki Let's eat lunch together today." She says, I look and nod, "But just the two of us though." She says with a smile. I nod, "Ok, would you like to eat outside?" I ask, she nods and says, "Let's wait for everyone to leave than we leave together." She says, I never heard or seen her thinking for her self, I always see her wanting to be with her friend but her to think this way is new. But cute. We both smile and blush as she sits down at her desk. "I kinda like us being secret."

Midoriya POV
Lately I've been seeing Todoroki more happier, usually he so quiet and never shows this much emotion, he also seems more up beat. I was worried when he was in coma, but I didn't know that comas can change your personality! But I think it's not him on his own who making him more happy I think there is someone else, a girl, and no other girl than Yaoyorozu.

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