May I have this dance?

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Yaoyorozu POV
My heart begins pounding, I watch as Ashido asked Todoroki to dance, my head getting fuzzy with all these thoughts about Ashido and Todoroki dancing,
"It's just a dance calm down!" I said to myself but my head is still spinning. I don't understand why I'm so jealous, but at the time I think, this is my chance to know how he feels about me too. But still, I'm stressed and worried about what he's gonna say.........
"Todoroki? Want to dance with me?" Ashido asked Todoroki. He looked down at her,
"Well you see......" he begins, but Ashido cuts him off.
"Oh I get it! Your just nervous! Now cmon let's dance together!" She says and pulls his arm. Todoroki confused, just let her drag his arm.
"I knew it." As I started having doubts about our relationship.
Todoroki stops and yanks his arm away.
"Stop it Ashido." He said. I freeze and just watch from afar.
"Just what are you doing exactly? What's the big idea?" He says and Ashido freezes as well in shock.
"Huh? What do you meeeean?" She said in a sarcastic tone.
"You know damn well what I mean." He said back getting upset.
"Well..... I just wanted to dance that's all! Now cmon what are you waiting for?!" She said with a laugh. Todoroki just stares and begins looking around. He makes eye contact with me, I, still frozen didn't says a word. He walks up to me and puts his hand out.
"May I have a dance?" He asked me.
I'm frozen still. I don't know what to say, I mean, I want to say yes, but I'm so lost, I don't know what to say,
"Hahaha Ashido! He didn't want to dance with you!" I said to myself, but than I remember I still have to answer him.
"Oh! Yes! Of course." I said and held hands with him. I begin to slowly wrap my arm around his as we begin walking to the dance floor. As we walk up Ashido stands in front of us.
"Oh wow! I see how it is....." she said in a angry tone. And put her hands on her hips.
"Todoroki when your done with her...... could I at least have a dance with you, I want you to love me too!" She said in frustration. We both looked completely confused. Todoroki sighed,
"Sorry Ashido. I'm only in love with one person, Yaoyorozu, and that's not going to change no matter what, dirty tricks you try." He said completely serious, I stare at him completely shocked,
"He's only in love with me?!! And that's not going to change?!!" My face begins sweating, we continue walking now to the dance floor, as I look forward I see, Hagakure, and Ojiro dancing together as well as Ochaco, and Midoriya, even Jirou was dancing with Kaminari, and Asui was dancing with Tokoyami. They're was other people there too, but I don't really know who they are. My arm still wrapped around Todoroki's arm, Todoroki began walking forward he slowly move my arm off his, and turned around facing me and put his hand out,
"Again Yaoyorozu, May I please have dance?" His cheeks were completely red as he looked down nervously. Of course my answer was,
"Yes of course." I said with a smile, I couldn't be happier right now, we both walk on to the dance floor.

I can't even believe that dancing with him like this would give so much happiness.
"He really knows how to dance......." I said to myself. After a few twist and turns, I finally start talking to him,
"Since when do you know how to dance so well?" I asked with a smirk.
"Oh um.... my father taught me back when so was a kid, for family tradition I guess." He said and looked the other way embarrassed.
I smile,
"Your dance is beautiful as well Yaoyorozu." He said with smile. But I probably look like stiff try hard next to him.
"No I'm horrible at dancing! I'm way to stiff." I said.
"Liar. Anyways after this want to sleepover at my place?" He asked so causally. I felt my face and hands sweat,
"Ewww don't get Todoroki sweaty!" I told myself, I try to keep my cool.
"His house again?!!" I say to myself excited. Until Todoroki breaks my day dreaming.
"Hey Yaoyorozu?"
I realize I was day dreaming..........
"Cmon you gotta answer him!" I told myself as we still continue spinning and turning.
"Yes of course!" I said.
"I haven't told Mother yet!" I realized,
"Oh well!" I said to myself and continue dancing.

Todoroki POV
I'm dancing with Yaoyorozu.......
She's so beautiful I can't get my eyes off of her, she dances so beautifully, my mouth being moving before I can even stop it.
"Your dance beautiful Yaoyorozu." Her faces turns red, but I think I'm more embarrassed for my mouth moving before I can even stop.
"What the hell is wrong with me? I need to actually have control over myself!" I asked myself and we still continue dancing,
"No I'm horrible at dancing! I'm way to stiff." She said after my compliment, she always make lies about herself, as we continue dancing I just think of the most awesome idea, since tomorrow we don't have school how about Yaoyorozu spends this night with me.
"Liar. Anyways after this want to sleepover at my place." I asked, Yaoyorozu doesn't say anything and just stares out into space.
"Hey Yaoyorozu?" She blinks like if she snap out of something, than suddenly she says,
"Yeah of course!" She said, really fast. We continue dancing. I couldn't be more happier right now, I could dance like this forever with her, we continue to dance through the night. She was smiling the whole time.
"Todoroki..... you know I thought you would have chosen to dance with Ashido." Yaoyorozu said looking down at the ground.
I'm so confused, why would she think I would choose Ashido over her.
"Why?" I asked
"Oh I don't know...... it's just that..... that...." she's trembling.....
"Tell me. Yaoyorozu you can say it I won't get mad." I console her.
"It's just that..... I don't think you really mean what you say....... I have doubts in myself.... like I don't think I really deserve you. This whole night I've felt that way, I just see so many other girls so much more prettier than me, and I don't know... maybe I think you deserve someone more like them." She confessed,
I'm lost of words. Is that what she really thinks..... all of what she said is a lie, I think she is best girl out there, there is no one more prefect than her in fact I think I'm not the one deserving her.

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