Almost dead.

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Todoroki POV
It's the night before we get Yaoyorozu. It's been a week since she went missing and I've been barley gotten any sleep. Tonight I didn't get any sleep at all.
"Please be ok Yaoyorozu I'm coming for you." I pray.

: Time Travel a Bit:

We're at the so called villains hide out. Midoriya, Sato, Koda, Hagakure, Ochaco, Jirou, Mr. Aizawa and I are going in.
Our plan is not to engage combat just get Yaoyorozu and leave, there's no point in capturing the villains for them to find a way out again.
"Ready?" Mr. Aizawa asks as we start to run in, we pretty much have a good idea on where she is, we did a lot of research,
"I'm coming please be alive!" I pray and continue running down the haul,
"We're gonna get her back don't worry." Midoriya says and continues running, I look up and notice a figure coming up,
"WOAH THEY'RE HERE!!!" Toga says and runs away.
"Oh um....!" Ochaco says confused,
"She's calling backup get ready guys!" Mr. Aizawa says and keeps one hand on his scarf.
"We're getting close!" Jirou says,
"We're almost there!" I say to myself.

Description POV
As the Todoroki and the other go to find Yaoyorozu, Toga runs back to the league,
"They're here!!!" Toga says,
"I'm not in the mood to fight let's go." Dabi says,
"What about Yaoyorozu?" Twice asks,
"We leave her, we got enough blood, we had her for a week, I'm surprised she's not dead yet, and besides this is just a testing room it's not important." Shigaraki says, he continues.
"We're leaving guys, go out the hidden route." Shigaraki says as the rest start to get up and leave.
Yaoyorozu lays in the metal room almost dead, she hasn't gotten enough food to have energy, she was given only one cup of water during that week and was stab to death. She has lost so much blood and hasn't really recovered. She lays unconscious nearly dead on the ground of the metal prison, with no thought no hope no nothing just waiting to die.
The door is knocked open.

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