Taking care of him

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Yaoyorozu POV
I come out to see Natsuo and Todoroki on his back.....
"Oh um." My mouth says what's on my mind.
"Oh! Don't mind this! Just trying to humiliate my little brother." Natsuo said with a smile. Now Yaoyorozu I want you to take my phone and photograph this wonderful moment for us." Natsuo asked,
"I'm sorry, but Todoroki would kill me if something like that happened." I say because honestly Todoroki would kill me.
"Alright I get it. Let me do it myself than.'' Nastuo says, as he grabs his phone to take the photo himself, once he finishes he asked me to open the passenger door, I open it and he gently puts Todoroki sitting upwards inside, he than opens the door for me and I step inside the back.
We start driving away.
We sit in the car awkwardly for a few minutes before Natsuo starts a conversation,
"So how are you doing?" He asks,
"Pretty good, I'm just worried about Todoroki." I say,
"It's just a virus, he gonna live through it." Natsuo says with a smile as he shakes up Todoroki's hair.
"Yaoyorozu, when we get home, could you help me out a bit with taking care of him, I'm not as good as taking care of him as his sister is." He asks,
I'm actually kinda glad he doesn't know how because I would be worried sick about him.
"Yes of course!" I say with a smile,
"Great! Fuyumi won't be home she's on a teacher trip." Natsuo says as we pull up to his house.
Natsuo grabs Todoroki out of the car who is still asleep,
"Man. Nothing wakes you up." He says to himself as he carries Todoroki inside.
I just stand there until I realize I have to get his stuff still.
"I'll go get his stuff!" I say and rush over to get his stuff.
By the time I get inside, Todoroki has been laid onto his bed with a blanket over him.
He's so calm and pretty asleep.
"He's like a little kid, so needy." Natsuo says in disappointment. I laugh and begin to lay out all the stuff Recovery Girl said he would need to heal.
"Woah, so much stuff!" Natsuo says in excitement.
I smirked and continue.
"Yaoyorozu, would you like spend the night to help watch over him? You can sleep in Fuyumi's room." Natsuo asks.
I'm not sure my mom would be happy but to help Todoroki I'll stay.
"Sure let me call my mom." I say as I backed out of the room.
I called my mom she was kinda disappointed but she said it was ok, but I would have to come home tomorrow.
I let Natsuo know and he leaves saying he gonna make some dinner for us.
I stay right next to Todoroki, and watch over him.
20 minutes past.
Todoroki wakes up,
"where? Oh. Yaoyorozu?" He mumbles and twitches his eyes,
"How are you doing?" I asked, I brush my hand down his forehead.
"Better. But still not feeling so good." He says and rubs my hand.
"Have you been taking care of me?" He asks.
"I have." I say with a smile.
"Yaoyorozu.... thank you." He says and blushes.
Even though he is weak, he's still the same guy I've always knew.
"Natsuo is making dinner, want some?" I asked and slowly move my hand.
"Sure." He says and slowly gets up, I stand next to him for any help he made need. When he gets up, his hair was a mess and his eyes were still groggy.
"After this I'm going back to sleep. I'm so exhausted." Todoroki says exhausted.
"After the pill you'll definitely be even more exhausted." I think to myself, we both head to the diner room.

Natsuo looks up from his phone and says,
"Your finally awake! Dinner is over there for you too." He points over to some plates and utensils.
We both sit quietly in silent. A flashback goes in my head about how Midoriya knows.
"So I heard you Midoriya about our relationship." I say in a passive aggressive tone.
Todoroki chokes on his food.
"What?!" He says confused,
"Did he tell you?!" He's says confused.
"Yeah, when you we're asleep." I say,
"Look I'm sorry." He coughs, "He said he saw us kiss one day." He explains.
"Saw us?! Kiss?!" I'm now panicking.
"What?! He saw us!? When?!" I panicked and asked.
"I don't know how he knows but apparently he knew, but it's Midoriya he's a good friend. I trust him." Todoroki reassures me.
"If this gets out, I'm going to be so mad." I say meaning every word.
"I know and I'm sorry." He says apologetically.
I feel bad for letting out so much on him.
"I'm sorry too." I say and put my head down. Todoroki pats my head,
"It's alright." He says with a smile.
"I'm sorry for telling Midoriya, I should've have known how much this meant to you." Todoroki apologizes, he keeps his head down.
"It's ok! I trust him too I'm just glad you didn't tell Ashido!" I say as I laugh it off.
Todoroki smirks and shakes his head.
Natsuo comes in.
"Hey, Todoroki time for your medicine." Natsuo says as he swings the medicine.
Todoroki finishes his food and grabs the swinging medicine from the air.
Todoroki swallows the pill.
"Ok now go to bed now, the pill knocks you out." Natsuo says in a sassy bossy tone.
Todoroki rolls his eyes and walks down to his room.
"Yaoyorozu go with him, make sure he doesn't have one of his attack things..." Natsuo says nicely.
"Ok!" I say with a smile, I walk down the haul into Todoroki's room.
"Is it alright if I come in?" I asked as the door slides in.
"Yeah sure." He says and smiles.
As I walk in the door closes behind me.
I sit down right next to his bed on the ground, Todoroki crawls into bed.
"I don't know how you deal with my brother..." he says and puts his hand on his face.
"I think he's fine, he's really nice." I truly say.
"If you say so." He says with smirk.
We go into a silence and Todoroki eyes begin to slowly close his eyes, his head leans and I know he's out. I smile and brush my hand through his hair.
I do that for about another 30 minutes until I hear the heavy breathing, I grab the pack and put it on him.
"There, it's ok now rest easy." I say,
"Thanks." Todoroki says and coughs.
I jump, I did not see that coming I thought he was out but I guess not.
"Ew I just said the most embarrassing thing and he heard it... great" another 15 minutes go by and I slowly feel my eyes shutting I'm getting tried myself. I fall asleep.

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