He knows

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Yaoyorozu POV
I was a huge idiot! What went through my head thinking I should take a photo of him.
There's not much left to do but try to cover up,
"Hey! What are you doing here?" I ask,
"I heard Todoroki got a quirk virus and I wanted to see how's he doing." He says,
"We're you just trying to take a picture of him?" Midoriya asked.
"Wahhhh?!!! Of course not!" I say as I struggled trying to convince Midoriya that I wasn't trying to take a photo of him. We woke up Todoroki.
He blinks a lot than opens his eyes.
"What? What are- Yaoyorozu? Midoriya?" He looks at us confused.
"My head..... it hurts." He says in pain.
"How are you feeling?" We both ask.
"Bad." He says, he starts breathing heavy and closes his eyes.
"Here." I put the pack on his forehead. He falls asleep again.
"Poor Todoroki. He must really be sick." Midoriya says,
"About that photo attempt-" Midoriya begins,
"That wasn't a photo!" I shut him out. I need to think of something fast but than I think, "doesn't every girl have a thing for Todoroki? Maybe I can admit it but lie and say doesn't every girl want a photo of him." I come up with an amazing idea.
I continue,
"Look what I did was very obvious I can't hide it anymore, yeah I was trying to take a photo of him but who doesn't?" I say in a stuck up tone. Midoriya smirks,
"Look I won't  tell anyone..... but I know about your guys relationship." Midoriya begins......
I panicked,
"What how?!!!" I panicked to myself.
"Before you panic, it was Todoroki who told me." Midoriya adds,
"Todoroki?!! Told him?!!! What?!!!" If Todoroki wasn't sick I would have slapped him so hard.
"What?! How?!" I ask in pure panic.
"It started back when we went to the beach, I knew something was up since the beginning but than I asked him and after enough prying he told me." Midoriya says, I go down on my knees.
"Please I beg of you don't tell anyone please! Please! God I beg of you!" I plead I felt tears build up. Midoriya jumps,
"Oh my goodness! Yeah of course!!" He said, "That would be such a horrible thing to tell! I would never and never will! Beside Todoroki pleaded just like you are now!" He said with a giggle.
I get up and thank Midoriya some more, Midoriya eventually leaves and it's just Todoroki and I once again.
I'm allowed to stay as long as I want, I stay and watch over Todoroki, Recovery Girl comes in to check in on him.
"How's he doing sweetie?" She asked,
"Not good nothing has change. He hasn't woken up since Midoriya was here." I explain, she shakes her head,
"Until your ready please watch over him." She asks, I nod and she smiles giving me candy as a reward.
In about 10 minutes Todoroki wakes up for a bit.
"Yaoyorozu? What are doing here?" He asked in a weak tone.
"Taking care of you, do you need anything?" I ask
"Oh you are? Thanks, though you don't have too I don't want you getting sick as well though." He said with a few coughs coming up after that.
"Any better?" I ask
"Not at all, I feel the exact the same as earlier." Todoroki explained, Recovery Girl comes in,
"Your awake! Here I have more medicine, I called your brother he should be here soon Honey." She says.
"Thank you ma'am." He said in a weak tone, he takes the pills.
"I'm sorry for basically drugging you but I'm trying to heal you as fast as possible because you've been having no results." She says, Todoroki shakes his head and thanks her again.
"Yaoyorozu?" He calls,
"Yes Todoroki?" I respond.
His voice gets quieter,
"Thank you for everything."
"Of course." I say with a smile.
"You've really helped me out a lot." He said and fell asleep again. That pill sure works fast.

: Time Travel a Bit:

It's been awhile, Todoroki been having heavy breathing attacks still hasn't woken up. I sit on the side of the bed and just stare off into space, as I sit there I remember something,
No one had come up to me yet about that couple dancing photo.
I sat there confused for a second then thankful because I don't want them knowing or caring especially Ashido. A few more moments of silence go by until Natsuo, Todoroki's older brother comes in.
"Yeesh..... this is bad..... Oh hey Yaoyorozu!" He said, his expression changing into a small smile for me.
"Hey, are you picking him up?" I asked even though I know the answer,
"Yeah..." he puts his hands on his hips,
"How am I going to wake up that." Natsuo asks himself.
Assume "that" is Todoroki.
"He won't be waking up any time soon." Recovery Girl blurted out.
"Dam. I guess I'll be picking him up literally." He said with a sigh.
"Hey!" Recovery girl began,
"Don't forget to thank this sweetie! She's been taking care of your dear old brother!" Recovery Girl shouted once again.
"Really? Yaoyorozu you've been taking care of him?!" Natsuo looked at me shocked.
"Yes." I answered.
"Wow thank you! You can come with us if you like." Natsuo said,
"Sure I'd love to!" I said truthfully.
"Great. Now could you get his stuff? I'm taken this thing to the car." He said and pointed out the door.
Now Todoroki has updated from "that" to "this thing".
"Of course." I say and go to class to pick up his stuff. I also let Mother know I'm going with friend.
Luckily no one was in the classroom so I was able to leave no questions asked.
I walked out of the building and see Natsuo waiting outside of the car with Todoroki on his back asleep.

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