What did I do wrong?

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Todoroki POV
I notice Yaoyorozu seeming hungry I offer her to get food and she responds so uncomfortably, all day she's been uncomfortable.
"What did I do wrong?!"
We walk up to the food court. I notice Yaoyorozu looking at all food, she seemed more excited looking at the food than hanging out with me.
I leave Yaoyorozu at the other part of the food court while I went to get Soba, maybe if I leave her alone she might feel better, I order and wait at a table for them to call my name, and I also wait for Yaoyorozu as well. She comes over to table with some food,
"Todoroki, where did you go? I saw for one moment and than you weren't there another." She giggles as she says this, a true laugh though, not an uncomfortable one, it's her cute little laugh.....
I begin feeling my cheeks get warm,
"I was getting soba." I said plainly,
She giggles, "You and your soba, you love soba don't you?" She says with smile,
"Yeah, it's good. My sister makes really good soba for me, but I only like soba when it's cold." I said with smile, though it's kinda embarrassing, telling about my weird love for soba. I can tell my face is red, my hands are sweaty.
"Todoroki?! One large number 4. Cold!" I raise my hand and leave to get my soba.
I come back and Yaoyorozu is still eating. I begin eating my soba.
"Wow, you sure eat fast too! You can slow down! We're not in a rush!" Yaoyorozu said with laugh, as I slurp my soba, "I'm fine, but thanks. This is how I normally eat my soba." She smiles and continues to eat her food, we begin talking and that awkwardness fades away. We finish eating and are still laughing, smiling and talking.

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