Is That a Birthmark?

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Todoroki POV
We're walking down the haul to the living room to go "drink tea" I probably won't drink any, because I don't something embarrassing to happen.
We sit down.
Fuyumi serves the tea, and nudges me, I look up, glare, and whisper, "What?!" I say in a aggressive tone, she looks at her and points at me and winks, I look and shove her away, "No way is she ever gonna find out what happen between us." I start thinking to myself, as I stare off into my drink, stressing about if my sister will find out about us. Yaoyorozu peaks over, "Todoroki, Are you alright?" I look over and smile, "I'm fine don't you worry." She smiles, "Hey Todoroki?" I look and smile, "Yes what is it." She blushes and seems nervous, "If it's a question you can ask me anything Yaoyorozu." I freeze and realized how cringy I sound, She moves her fingers back and fourth on her cup, "Todoroki that mark on your face is that a birthmark or a scar? If a scar than from what?" I freeze I have no words, "Should I tell her?!"

Yaoyorozu POV
We're drinking tea now, Todoroki seems to be thinking about something as he stares off into his drink, I take a sip of my tea, "Todoroki, are you alright?" He looks and smiles I couldn't stop myself from blushing, "His smile is so adorable." I don't get to see him smile. Hardly at all. "I'm fine, don't you worry." He says with a smile. "Ok I know this is going to sound weird but I always wanted to ask what happen to his left eye, is that a birthmark? Or a scar?" I've always wonder that since I met him, but I feel nervous to ask, it's either a birthmark or something bad. I begin to tense up, "Hey Todoroki?" He looks, "Yes, what is it?" He says waiting for a response from me, he says, "If it's a question you can ask me anything Yaoyorozu." He says I begin to fidget with my cup, I finally ask.
"Todoroki that mark on your face is that a birthmark or a scar? If a scar than from what?" I realized I slip with asking if a scar than what part. I looked up from fidgeting with my cup, and I notice he is shocked and seems a bit nervous to answer this question, "Was what I ask really that bad? What really did happen then?"

Author note:
Ok I want mention one thing before  on.... Thank you for 1k reads!!!! This is really awesome and I never thought such a crappy story would get this far, thank you so much! I'm sorry I've not added more to this story, but I've been really busy, I started an edit account on Instagram (12.13Edits) so I've been having to keep up with that and school, but I'll begin writing again, also I'm writing a story about the fan children of Todomomo and other ships, so please go check that out! Anyways... I just wanted to thank you! And have a wonderful day! Bye!

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